The last few months have seen a lot of activity here at ecbi. In June, we held a seminar in Bonn that focused on climate finance, loss and damage and adaptation. We also proposed a share of proceeds in the voluntary carbon market, held a webinar on Glasgow and COP27 later this year, and were active at the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies meetings in Bonn. Plus, we welcomed a new team member, Leila Mead. More details on each of these can be found in this Update, along with news from members of the ecbi Phase V Management Group (see page 2).
European Capacity Building Initiative

The last couple of months have seen a lot of activity here at ecbi. In January, we officially started the latest phase of our work with publication of our new report, COP26 Key Outcomes. We also responded to a UNFCCC request for submissions on a new global goal on climate finance, welcomed several new team members, and celebrated a noteworthy honour bestowed on one of our Programme Heads. More details on each of these can be found in this Update, along with news from members of the ecbi Phase V Management Group.
Difficulties within the UN Green Climate Fund will bleed into sensitive negotiations on climate change next week in Bangkok
What exactly are ‘common time frames’ for NDCs? While there is little doubt that the communality in question refers to NDCs and thus to Parties of the Paris Agreement, it is not self-evident what exactly the term ‘time frame’ refers to. So, it may be most fruitful to begin by looking at the options for (common) time frames, in order to be able to proceed with evaluating their usefulness in a meaningful manner.
A proposal to establish a similarly structured trans-national Western Climate Fund to receive contributions for the multilateral funds of the Paris Agreement, in particular the LDCF, from States and Provinces in or around the Western Climate Initiative (WCI).
LDC Chair Gebru Jember Endalew writes: "Dear Governor Brown, As Chair of the UNFCCC Group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs), I would like to bring to your attention a proposal for a Fund to collect contributions for multilateral climate finance, in particular for the United Nations LDC Fund, from States and Provinces in or around the Western Climate Initiative... ."
Submission on Common Timeframes for NDCs by TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO AND BELIZE
The debate on institutional arrangements for climate finance Oxford Energy and Environment Comment
Proceedings of the 2009 Oxford Fellowship and Seminar ecbi Report
Architecture at gouvernance ecbi note de politique generale
A far-reaching debate on the use of auction revenue from (EU) Emissions Trading.
The debate on existing institutions in climate finance Oxford Energy and Environment Comment
Devolution of funding decisions to designated national/regional climate change funding entities Oxford Energy and Environment Comment
Oversight of compliance with financial commitments under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Oxford Energy and Environment Comment
Adaptation Quick Start Funding at the Cross Roads Oxford Energy and Environment Comment
Post Copenhagen - Architecture and Governance ecbi Policy Brief
Renegotiating the role of civil society in the governance of climate finance OIES EV 50
Part II The Question of Oversight, Post Copenhagen Synthesis Report ecbi Policy Brief
Some thoughts put together by the 2010 ecbi Fellowship ecbi Report
What after Tianjin, and how? European Climate Platform (ECP) Background Paper
Submission to the GCF on the Business Model Framework OIES Submission to the GCF
in Local actors are ready to act: 6 views on how the Green Climate Fund could reach them Both Ends
Preliminary Thoughts
OCP/ecbi Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance
What to do about climate finance for the 2020 climate agreement?
A post-Copenhagen synopsis ecbi Policy Brief
What needs to be done for Durban (COP 17) Oxford Energy and Environment Brief
The case for a ready-made innovative stream of finance in support of the current international climate negotiations Oxford Energy and Environment Brief
Subcomponent 8 - Finance Final Reports and Annexes Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources and Ministry of Finance
This brief examines the gap in adaptation finance that must be bridged in order to fulfill the values of the Paris agreement, with a focus on regions such as Southeast Asia that are at particular risk from the effects of climate change. It also discusses new adaptation finance commitments from governments and the private sector; the landscape of existing adaptation finance channels and initiatives onto which these commitments build; and the undiminished role of developed countries—such as the United States, Japan, EU countries, and others—to facilitate an increase in adaptation finance as the Paris era begins.
This Concept Note introduces the idea of a Southern Solidarity Fund, to be operated by the Green Climate Fund, which would allow solidarity contributions to climate finance by developing countries as part of South-South collaboration
The Green Climate Fund was launched in late 2013 and is set to play a key role in disbursing some of the $100 billion per year pledged to flow annually to developing countries by 2020 in support of climate action. A key question for the GCF Board concerns the rules for allocating its funds. Resource allocation is a very tricky business, both technically and politically. However, it is by no means a new one. Considerable experience has been accumulated not only by other international funding institutions, but also in domestic contexts, and the GCF can draw lessons from this experience. During the past six months, Benito Müller worked with other analysts to pull together some of these lessons, and form recommendations for the GCF Board. Here is a summary of our findings and recommendations. This publication is available in both Spanish in English.
An analysis piece by RTCC examining the political divisions delaying the Green Climate Fund.
A report from the Commonwealth Expert Group on Climate Finance to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2013. The report sets out practical steps to unlock climate financing for small and vulnerable states worldwide. The Expert Group brought a wealth of expertise and experience from around the Commonwealth to bear on this issue, led by the Chair, HE Bharrat Jagdeo, former President of Guyana. The Report provided 5 key recommendations for consideration: a) improve transparency and accountability around commitments and pledges; b) improved access to existing sources of climate finance; c) focus leader-level attention to strengthen national planning systems; d) support the UNFCCC process and the post-2015-development framework; and e) support the reform of the global economy to support climate needs.
This briefing outlines the establishment of local financial intermediaries to complement existing intermediaries in Bangladesh’s diverse financial landscape. It also describes
innovative economic and financial instruments and better financial planning
systems to ensure greater synergy across the financial landscape.
From the 8th International Conference on Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change, 24-30 April 2014. It outlines shared principles to achieve CBA, strengthening international and national finance for local adaptation, and engaging non-state actors in local finance.
This paper provides an overview the People’s Survival Fund (PSF) and finding the right balance with access modalities and institutional arrangement for the fund.
Submission to the GCF Investment Committee
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board is in the process of considering additional modalities that further
enhance direct access, including through funding entities with a view to enhancing country ownership of projects and programmes.1 The term ‘enhancing’ in this context refers to a devolution by the Board of certain operational
funding decisions to outside agencies: ‘(accredited) funding entities’.2 This type of devolved/decentralized access modality has been proposed as an alternative to the more traditional model where detailed project approval is carried out at the multilateral level (e.g. by the Global Environment Facility Council/ Secretariat, or the Adaptation Fund Board). It has been argued that this sort of decentralized/ devolved model is key to the GCF being able to operate at scale,3 but it is also clear that it could give rise to a fundamental tension in the partnership between the GCF and these accredited funding entities, in that they each may well have different objectives, say with regards to national development and global climate change benefits.
The Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is currently in the process of designing “access modalities” as part of the fundamental Fund architecture. Over the last few months, the focus of this exercise has slowly but significantly turned towards the idea of “Enhanced Direct Access” (EDA) through “Funding Entities” (FEs) ? as envisaged in paragraph 47 of the GCF Governing Instrument (GI). This idea is by no means new.2 Indeed there exists a considerable literature considerable on the topic, but it was only at the most recent GCF Board meeting in Nusa Dua, Indonesia, that the idea was given centre stage in a workshop on “Country Ownership and Enhancing Direct Access” organised by the Indonesian host of the meeting.
The aim of this Guide is to provide a rough idea of what this Enhanced Direct Access modality is meant to be and how it relates to some of the other, more traditional modalities and approaches such as the “Programmatic Approach”. As such it is meant to be complementary to the recent ecbi Policy Brief on “Devolved Access Modalities"
This discussion note discusses some of the contentious issues around the Green Climate Fund negotiations and proposes that, in the case of mitigation funding, two separate funding envelopes/streams should be introduced: one dedicated to efficiency and the other to (intra-generational) equity. In the case of adaptation funding, resources should be allocated in proportion to country adaptation funding needs. For example, estimated in terms of the number of people exposed to climate change impacts and the intensity of these impacts (their “vulnerability”). This should be carried out separately with respect to the funding set aside for particularly vulnerable countries, and to the funding for the other countries.
This report proposes to develop a policy menu to strengthen the ambition to mitigate greenhouse gases that integrates best practice policies with support options. The policy menu would enable countries to identify, sign up for and receive support to implement proven policies and concepts in high impact areas.
In November 2011, at the climate change conference in Durban, the Chair of the LDC Group ended his address to the opening plenary with a passionate plea to Parties that are unable or unwilling to sign up to a legally binding Protocol. He asked them to let others who are willing, like the LDCs, to go ahead instead of sinking the entire ship. Over two years later, half way to when the negotiations are meant to conclude, that plea unfortunately needs to be repeated more than ever.
The ideal split between public and private sources of climate finance has been left deliberately ambiguous in the major meetings on the subject. This blog argues that the promised $100bn should all come from public funds, rather than split with the private sector, and suggests how governance arrangements could be made most effective and legitimate.
Background Papers for 7th GCF Board meeting in Songdo, 19-21 May 2014
Comment on Guiding Framework for Accreditation (GCF/B.07/02)
Background Papers for 7th GCF Board meeting in Songdo, 19-21 May 2014
Comment on Initial Proposal Approval Process (GCF/B.07/03)
An article on the Green Climate Fund - looking past the recent pledges towards the ambition and scale of the GCF and the challenge it faces to live up to expectations.
There are several climate funds already in operation before the establishment of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). This paper draws on the analysis of climate funds relevant for climate change activities in Africa to improve stakeholders understanding of what should be different with the GCF in Africa. The analysis indicates that projects financed by climate funds are predominantly small-scale with high transaction costs. The mean amount of total approved projects in Africa is US$7.21 (28.41) million. Over 95% of these projects is funded with grants. The mean disbursement ratio for the projects is 34.9% (45.4) and the mean initial disbursement lag is 1.9 years (1.2). To enhance scalability of projects and predictability of funds, African countries will have to work with the GCF to diversify financial instruments away from grants to loans and private capital to finance medium- and large-scale projects. The analysis also indicates that African countries should rally behind a position for ‘additionality’ of financial flows from the GCF that is realistic. Outsourcing fund management (including risks analysis and due diligence) activities of national funding entities to domestic financial institutions (FIs) will help reduce the expense ratio and enhance mainstreaming of climate finance in FIs in Africa.
There are diverse intermediaries, instruments and planning systems in
Bangladesh’s financial landscape. Although they all play a role in mobilising
and channelling resources to climate-related investments, disbursement is
fragmented. Between 2009 and 2013, Bangladesh needed US$5 billion of
investment in climate-related initiatives, but only leveraged US$1 billion. To
minimise this deficit and maximise opportunities, it needs to establish local
financial intermediaries to complement existing intermediaries, use
innovative economic and financial instruments and use financial planning
systems to ensure better synergy across the financial landscape.
In their Scenario Note on the sixth part of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP), the ADP Co-chairs emphasized that “it is essential to use the October session to make significant progress in clarifying and advancing the content of the 2015 agreement, to build bridges and to work together on outstanding issues. In particular, it will be important in the October session, to further clarify and flesh out the operational aspects of the agreement. Key challenges that will need focussed attention in our work include: deepening the understanding on the longer-term cycle of contributions/commitments, including its periodicity (length) and the functions of the steps proposed, such as any periodical consideration or assessment and review”
This ecbi/OCP Concept Note introduces the idea of a Dynamic Contribution Cycle as a contribution to the debate on these issues.
This report focuses on the risk of losses in the financial value of existing fossil fuel assets (so called ‘asset stranding’). The key findings of the report include: a) transitioning to a low-carbon electricity system would bring the global economy an estimated $1.8 trillion in financial savings between 2015 and 2035; and b) coal offers the largest emissions reductions for the least loss in financial value where transitioning away from coal can achieve 80% of the needed emissions reductions for just 12% of the asset value at risk.
For the EU, some of the key findings include: a) with the right policies, the EU’s transition away from oil can lead to a net benefit to the financial system of more than $1 trillion, for instance through a combination of pricing and innovation policies to reduce demand for oil; b) the EU has little to lose from a transition away from coal power where the total value of current investment in coal plants at risk is less than 2% of EU power plant investments; c) good electricity market design could preserve the value of the remaining coal plants by paying them to provide flexible generation to balance out renewable energy; and d) EU governments own the majority of upstream coal assets (primarily in Poland, Greece, and Germany), and approximately 40% of coal-fired power plants. In Europe, new business and financial models and instruments that are better suited to investor needs can reduce the cost of renewable energy by up to 20%.
This report compares the costs of low-carbon electricity and low-carbon transportation systems with current systems.
Article on Bloomberg announcing a World Bank “methane-reducing facility” which is to underpin carbon market demand by issuing put options for methane emissions on a competitive basis. “Put options give the holder the right to sell at a certain strike price, but not the obligation.”
I am pleased to see the idea of put options, (which Prodipto Ghosh and I also suggested to support the CDM is be-ing realised. I think the use of such Quantity Performance Instruments could indeed be key in re-viving market instruments.
See also
International equity/distributive justice (a fair share for each recipient country) and global efficiency (biggest global bang for the buck) provided the bang in question is well defined for all the relevant activities are both legitimate resource allocation objectives that need to be addressed.
Generally, efficiency and equity cannot be achieved simultaneously through a single allocation which is why the proposed way forward is to deal with the two objectives in separate allocations, whereby each funding envelope is divided into two (not necessarily equal) sub-envelopes: one guided purely by efficiency, and the other purely by equity considerations. The exact nature of the allocation methods in the two sub-envelopes and their relative size will depend on the funding theme.
This Submission focuses on the allocation of adaptation resources in the context of taking account of recipient country needs. While it is possible to estimate adaptation funding needs of countries, it is not straightforward, if at all possible, to compare adaptation activities with respect to their cost-effectiveness: there is no globally comparable 'bang' in this context. This is why adaptation resources should be allocated principally in proportion to adaptation funding needs (in conjunction with the basic floor allocations)
Advance unedited version of the report of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing
A clear deal on climate finance is paramount to the complex structure of a new global agreement on climate change. It would facilitate effective action on adaption and help emerging economies to take on mitigation commitments, yet there remains a significant gap between the global goal of USD 100 billion per year to support mitigation and adaptation and the actual pledges by countries. This LRI briefing paper offers some proposals for binding provisions in a new legal instrument. It touches on compliance and enforcement, but mainly focuses on textual options that clearly signify parties’ intention to enter into legally binding commitments. The authors do not advocate any particular solution or amount, and there are numerous other possible approaches.
There is plenty of knowledge on why we need to act on climate change, and what we should and could do. However, knowledge on what mitigation actually costs is rather limited, especially from the perspective of climate finance providers on a country by country basis. There are several studies that estimate global investment requirements, for example EIA (2012), McKinsey (2009) and the UNFCCC (2008); however, none really tell you how much finance would actually be required from public international climate finance purses to achieve global mitigation goals, and how this should best be delivered. This policy update provides a brief overview of climate finance needs from both a societal and project developer’s perspective, what we currently know about developing countries’ finance needs, and the most suitable financial instruments.
EurActiv France reports on how the Green Climate Fund will be launched later this year, but so far without capitialisation from the EU, India, or China. France promised to contribute, and called on its partners to do the same.
This Legal Note explores the options for establishing such a Southern Solidarity Fund as a separate, ring-fenced funding entity operated by the GCF.
A Legal Note which considers the legal options for creating such a space for Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction Obligations (QELROs) in the Paris Agreement. In particular, it explores the legal feasibility of having an annex to a Treaty/Protocol where Parties could inscribe targets which would automatically become legally binding.
Background Papers for 7th GCF Board meeting in Songdo, 19-21 May 2014
Comment on Investment Framework (GCF/B.07/06)
This Climate Finance Fundamental provides a snapshot of the operationalisation and functions of the Green Climate Fund. The Fund’s role in a post-2020 climate regime remains to be clarified, and both the scale of its resourcing as well as the effectiveness with which it functions will shape this role.
Concessional lending to developing countries has risen in recent years. DAC multilateral institutions have disbursed twice as many concessional loans to developing countries in 2011 ($42 billion) than in 1995 ($19 billion). Similarly, concessional loans from DAC bilateral donors have doubled over the past decade, from $8 billion in 2001 to $16 billion in 2011. ‘Concessionality requirements’ are currently being discussed within the DAC, to see whether they are relevant and how they can be improved. While concessionality addresses key issues for the future of aid quantity and quality, the debate has so far been taking place among government officials with no broad involvement of civil society and has been framed in rather technical terms. This paper discusses the main developments in this debate over the past ten years and presents recommendations on how to optimise the developmental benefits of this reform.
Renewable energy financing in emerging economies faces particularly daunting challenges, but there are creative policy solutions that could potentially reduce the
cost of renewable energy support by as much as 30%. This report looks at two potential solutions: a) reducing the cost of using debt sourced from the developed world; and b) improved the cost-effectiveness of domestic renewable energy support programs.
Exhibit 1. In the Honduras Rural Infrastructure Project, the World Bank used the Honduran Social Investment Fund (FHIS) and existing administrations to fund a wide-range of small rural infrastructure projects. Detailed project selection was done by local administrations, subject to review by the national-level FHIS, and the FHIS provided oversight of financial management, procurement, and safeguards and disbursed funds received from the World Bank on a quarterly basis to the local administrations based on the approved budgets.
Exhibit 2. The Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) in Indonesia emphasized block grants for local governments through a highly decentralized program. Grants of between $50 and $150,000 were provided to groups of 20-50 villages to develop and implement small-scale infrastructure, social, and economic activities that were chosen within the communities themselves. Each district, or Kecamatan, conducted a competition for funds among villages and oversaw disbursements. The KDP was funded by a combination of World Bank lending and contributions from the Government of Indonesia, as well as Dutch, Japanese, and other, multi-donor trust funds.
Exhibit 3. The US Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) provides large, multi-year programs of investmentscalled “compacts”that are developed by the country and managed by a domestic agency(s). The MCC emphasizes (1) competitive selection among countries based on historic performance indicators, (2) predictable, multi-year funding, and (3) rigorous measurement and evaluation of impact. Countries qualify for the MCC based on independent and transparent measures of good governance. The MCC then invites the governments of selected countries to propose a set of specific investment activities consistent with national priorities, and typically the decisions about these investments are made at the level of national ministries and are well-defined with the “compact” document.
Exhibit 4. Policy Based Funding is a general approach that emphasizes policy and institutional reforms supported by unrestricted funding to a government. The World Bank’s Policy Loan to Morocco for “Inclusive Green Growth,” for example, provided a $300 million loan following the government’s approval of certain energy efficiency standards and price adjustments to refined petroleum products.
Exhibit 5. The Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) provides funding to increase capacity in the most vulnerable developing countries through a variety of modalities, one example being their recent €28 million contribution to the Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF). The BCCRF is a multi-donor trust fund overseen by a board and management committee of senior Bangladeshi government officials and ministers that includes donor and civil society representatives. While the World Bank currently serves as interim trustee and secretariat, a domestic BCCRF secretariat is being set up to take over those activities.
Exhibit 6. In order to illustrate the use of QP payments with results measured at a macro level with a fixed-price transaction methodology, this Exhibit summarizes a model put forward by Müller et al. (2013) which uses proposals developed by the Center for Global Development to enhance the modalities used in the Norwegian International Forest Climate Initiative
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was launched in late 2013 and is set to play a key role in disbursing some of the $100 billion per year pledged to flow annually to developing countries by 2020 in support of climate action. A key question for the GCF Board concerns the rules for allocating its funds, as Benito Muller, Managing Director of Oxford Climate Policy, explains.
The Green Climate Fund is at a crossroads where it must choose between the traditional centralized or a novel devolved decision making model. The next meeting of the GCF in February will be key as it will for the first time be explicitly discussing enhanced direct access through (national) funding entities which has devolution of decision making as its corner stone. This Discussion Note by Benito Müller takes stock of the deliberations on direct access and the correlated issue of country ownership, and considers how these issues should be taken forward at the February meeting.
This OIES Energy and Environment Working Paper is the third and final study on resource allocation which Benito Müller has been engaged in over the past year – the previous papers being on the Allocation of (Adaptation) Resources: (September 2013) and on Quantity Performance Payment by Results: (July 2013). This Working Paper looks at the lessons to be learned, in particular for the Green Climate Fund, from the Performance-Based Allocation (PBA) system of the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), and the Resource Allocation Framework (RAF) as well as the System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR) of the Global environment Facility (GEF).
Open letter by Benito Müller to the Green Climate Fund Board and supporters of enhanced/devolved access in the wake of the recent Paris Board meeting.
"Paradigm shifts" are very often referred to in GCF parlance, but mostly in the context of low-emission and climate-resilient pathways. However, if the GCF is to achieve its objectives, it is argued, then "same old, same old" finance paradigm will also not suffice.
Summary (excerpt)
Transforming the energy infrastructure towards low-carbon technologies in both industrialized and developing countries is a critical part of the global greenhouse gas mitigation efforts that are necessary to limit dangerous climate change. Renewable Energy Feed-in tariffs (REFIT) have been crucial policy instruments to rapidly expand renewable electricity generation in Europe, and have been taken up in a rapidly increasing number of countries outside Europe in the last years. This policy paper argues that the Green Climate Fund (GCF) should become a key UNFCCC vehicle to support further diffusion of REFITs in developing countries to a level that mobilizes the hundreds of gigawatts of renewable energies required for a 2° C stabilization scenario. The GCF aims at making a “significant and ambitious contribution” to these efforts, guided by the principles of the UNFCCC. As the GCF is currently still emerging, we offer institutional design options that would allow facilitating rapid implementation, provided there is a sufficient capitalization.
Enhanced (Direct) Access for the GCF Business Model Framework
Presented at the AfDB Consultation on African Perspectives on the Green Climate Fund (GCF) 26-27 September 2013, Sheraton Hotels, Tunis, Tunisia
This OIES Energy and Environment Brief looks at lessons from fiscal transfer mechanisms, i.e. instruments used to allocate central tax revenue to sub-national governments, for the allocation of (adaptation) resources by the Green Climate Fund.
Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance for its fifth meeting (SCF5). It focuses on Modalities 'by which a particular funding decision may be reconsidered in light of [the] policies, programme priorities and eligibility criteria established by the COP', as required by Article 11.3.b of the Convention. Exploring the debate around Modalities and puts forward a pragmatic proposal for compromise.
Over the past few years, there has been a rapid increase in new national institutions providing funding for climate change mitigation and adaptation activities. To date, more than 30 countries are in the process of establishing or putting into operation national funding entities dedicated to climate finance – or national climate funds. This discussion paper is based on lessons learned from GIZ’s work on the ground. It examines its experiences in carrying out capacity development measures and technical assistance to offer insight into the new generation of funding entities.
This report examines in detail the global trends in renewable energy investment.
This paper highlights some of the promising new approaches from the private sector and think tanks for how public resources could be used to mobilize private investment to maximal effect.
This paper is part of a one-year project called ‘Exploring local access to the Green Climate Fund’. It was developed on the premise that local actors are not only crucial players in tackling climate change and adaptation, but can also comply with fiduciary standards and safeguards, especially when the GCF takes its commitment towards readiness and capacity support seriously. A number of climate finance experts, GCF Board Members and people actively involved in climate change adaptation share their views on how they think the Green Climate Fund should deal with direct access and the devolution of funds to the local level.
Blog post from the International Institute for Environment and Development. As developing countries transition towards low carbon economies, governments must take difficult decisions about how they should scale up their renewable energy sectors. Initiatives, such as the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Programme (SREP), aim to catalyse investments in renewables, often with outside support from the private sector. But they face tough choices between investing in proven or novel low-carbon technologies, and between large-scale and small-scale approaches.
IIED Briefing Note on the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) now operating in nine countries and two regions. It aims to support these countries and regions to prepare and implement climate resilience programmes that are long term and integrated into wider poverty reduction and development planning. Sharing early insights gained from the experiences of two pilot countries — Bangladesh and Nepal — can help to inform the ongoing PPCR implementation process and offers early guidance on issues that may arise in delivering transformative programmes.
As National Adaptation Planning processes are beginning to unfold in many countries, this paper draws on experiences of programs outside the UNFCCC such as Climate Investment Fund’s Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR). One of the key components of PPCR is to mainstream climate resilience development into development planning. The paper shares some early lessons from a cross-country assessment of experiences and trends in PPCR approaches in implementing its programmatic cycle, prioritisation of programs for mainstreaming, institutional strengthening, and supporting mainstreaming. These trends also give clear evidence that climate readiness of the countries and strength of institutional arrangements significantly influenced the way PPCR has approached different participating countries.
The World Resources Institute has examined the allocation systems of 15 funds with a range of thematic focuses in order to understand how their allocation process might inform the GCF allocation system. Following from this, WRI has identified two essential elements of all allocation decisions: a defined decision-making process, and criteria and indicators that support decision-making.
Sequencing can be absolutely key to the success of negotiations. This article proposes a three stage approach based on the sequencing used in the Kyoto Protocol.
The UN climate talks in Copenhagen in 2009 demonstrated a commitment to increasing public and private sector investment in climate-related activities. However, the private sector needs encouragement to invest in novel and risky areas. As the UN’s Green Climate Fund will use public funding to encourage such investment this briefing makes recommendations based on the experience of the Climate Investment Fund-funded Scaling up Renewable Energy Programme (SREP) already running in Nepal and Ethiopia. Early experiences show significant challenges: where potential private sector involvement is poorly defined, both public and private bodies hesitate to engage, causing serious delays in implementation. We also argue against a ‘one size fits all’ approach, and suggest that institutions and delivery methods are tailored to each country’s specific needs.
Review Note on background paper GCF/B.06/05 for the Sixth Meeting of the Green Climate Fund Board
Pre-GCF Board Meeting Luncheon Discussion on Country Ownership and Enhancing Direct Access
Hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 February 2014 in Nusa Dua, Bali
Pre-GCF Board Meeting Luncheon Discussion on Country Ownership and Enhancing Direct Access
Hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 February 2014 in Nusa Dua, Bali
Pre-GCF Board Meeting Luncheon Discussion on Country Ownership and Enhancing Direct Access
Hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 February 2014 in Nusa Dua, Bali
Pre-GCF Board Meeting Luncheon Discussion on Country Ownership and Enhancing Direct Access
Hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 February 2014 in Nusa Dua, Bali
Pre-GCF Board Meeting Luncheon Discussion on Country Ownership and Enhancing Direct Access Hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 February 2014 in Nusa Dua, Bali
In this draft discussion note, prepared for Pre-GCF Board Meeting Luncheon Discussion on “Country Ownership and Enhancing Direct Access” on 17 February 2014 convened by the Indonesian host of the sixth GCF Board meeting, Benito Müller and William Pizer present some lessons from existing practice regarding two closely related devolved access modalities, namely the programmatic approaches and enhanced direct access.
To illustrate these lessons, they use a number of Exhibits contributed by Sophie de Coninck, Dan Morrow, Gonzalo Serrano de la Rosa, and Anju Sharma.”
Dr Müller is Director Energy and Climate Change at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, a recognized independent centre of the University of Oxford, and Managing Director of Oxford Climate Policy. Prof Pizer is at the Sanford School of Public Policy and Faculty Fellow at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University. He formerly served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary at the US Treasury, managing the multilateral environmental accounts.
In about a week’s time, the Green Climate Fund Board will meet in Bali to continue discussions on the design of what could be a radical new global fund. This will be a critical meeting – it will decide whether the GCF Board chooses to be radical in order to be effective, or simply opt for the easy, same old International Financial Institution (IFI) business-as-usual model of “doesn’t really work, but we’re afraid of transformational change”.
The Climate Investment Fund (CIF) is a funding channel designed to assist developing countries pilot low emission and climate resilient development approaches. As the fund unfolds, lessons can be gathered from the early stages of the programme. IIED is undertaking case studies of selected countries participating in two Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) programmes, one of which is the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR). This country report looks at the status of PPCR in Bangladesh. These initial reflections point to areas where further in-depth political economy analysis will be needed to understand how planning and implementation decisions are made and be able to attribute the real cause behind observed trends.
Sustainable development in a country like Nepal, that is largely reliant on its mountain ecosystems and extremely vulnerable to environmental change, is closely linked to climate change adaptation. The Climate Investment Fund (CIF) is a funding channel designed to assist developing countries pilot low emission and climate resilient development approaches. As the fund unfolds, lessons can be gathered from the early stages of the programme. IIED is undertaking case studies of selected countries participating in two Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) programmes – one of which is the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR) in Bangladesh and Nepal. This country report looks at the status of the PPCR in Nepal. These initial reflections point to areas where further in-depth analysis will be needed to understand how planning and implementation decisions are made and to find the causes behind observed trends.
Climate Investment Funds: Scaling up Renewable Energy Programme (SREP) in Ethiopia – a status review
Climate Investment Fund (CIF) is a funding channel designed to assist developing countries pilot low emission and climate resilient development approaches. As the fund unfolds, lessons can be gathered from the early stages of the programme. IIED is undertaking case studies of selected countries participating in two Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) programmes - one of which is the Scaling up Renewable Energy Programme (SREP) in Ethiopia and Nepal. This country report looks at the status of SREP in Ethiopia. These initial reflections point to areas where further in depth political economy analysis will be needed to understand how planning and implementation decisions are made and be able to attribute the real cause behind observed trends.
Sustainable development in countries like Nepal, where 44% of the population do not have access to electricity is now closely linked to access to energy. This country report looks at the status of the Scaling up Renewable Energy Programme (SREP) in Nepal. The Climate Investment Fund (CIF) is a funding channel designed to assist developing countries pilot low emission and climate resilient development approaches. As the fund unfolds, lessons can be gathered from the early stages of the programme. IIED is undertaking case studies of selected countries participating in two Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) programmes – one of which is the Scaling up Renewable Energy Programme (SREP) in Nepal and Ethiopia. This country report looks at the status of the SREP in Nepal. These initial reflections point to areas where further in-depth analysis will be needed to understand how planning and implementation decisions are made and to attribute the real cause behind observed trends.
This article draws on lessons learned from existing multilateral financing mechanisms and the need to mainstream climate finance into development. It proposes a business plan for the GCF that aims to combat climate change and create development opportunities in unison.
The EU has a strong interest in an ambitious deal at the Paris climate conference. A strong and unified EU position backed by common resource could prove instrumental for making European preferences heard at the Paris Summit and increase the likelihood of a deal. It would increase the EU’s ability to shape the emerging international climate institutions and their governance, to make sure that climate finance is used to reduce mitigation cost (also in Europe) and to ensure European industry would benefit from opportunities. This paper advocates that dedicated resources, collected through a revamped emission trading system and a carbon tax on transport and heating fuels, would increase the predictability and credibility of EU climate finance. A redirection of domestic deployment costs for mitigation would reduce the burden on taxpayers.
Crunch time for the Green Climate Fund
By Christa Clapp Head of Climate Finance, CICERO, Germana Canzi Head of Programme and Marketing, Climate Strategies
Despite laudable aims of helping the world’s poorest cope with climate change, the Green Climate Fund has no shortage of critics. What must it do to ensure that its good intentions translate into tangible outcomes?
Submission to the GCF Board with regards to the Strategy on Accreditation
This submission is in response to the 18 April invitation by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Secretariat for submission of inputs on the strategy on accreditation in relation to the questions in the report of the Accreditation Committee on the progress on developing a strategy on accreditation.
After examining the current state of affairs, this submission concludes that:
(i) in the longer term, the best limitation strategy is to set a cap on numbers of accredited entities, and
(ii) in the short-term, the most effective way to mitigate the existing imbalances (as well as to incentivise the “signature” Enhanced Direct Access modality) is to grant top priority accreditation to nation-wide entities submitting an EDA pilot proposal.
Joint Submission to the Green Climate Fund Board
This submission is in response to the request in the Progress Report on the review of the Initial Proposal Approval Process (IPAP) for clear guidance on … what qualifies as a programme (minimum requirements for a programmatic proposal). It suggests that ‘programmes’ should be defined in terms of devolved decision making and the IPAP should be urgently adapted to accommodate such devolved programmes as envisaged in the Terms of Reference for the Enhanced Direct Access Pilot Phase which state that ‘unlike the traditional direct access modality, there will be no submission of individual projects or programmes to the Fund because decision‐making for the funding of specific pilot activities will be devolved to the country level’[Annex I of Decision B.10/04]
Governor’s speech at the Regional Dissemination Forum on Green Financing in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
This paper maps out the issues related to climate finance under discussion in the various policy fora taking place in 2015, both within and outside the UNFCCC. It aims to share ideas and understanding about the key issue areas, developments and challenges on climate finance. The paper also highlight elements that could be reflected in the new agreement governing global climate action post-2020.
Developed countries committed to mobilise jointly USD 100 billion a year in climate finance by 2020 for climate action in developing countries. Five years after the initial commitment was made at COP15 in Copenhagen in 2009 and six years ahead of the target date of 2020, this report provides a status check on the level of climate finance mobilised by developed countries in 2013 and 2014.
A successful outcome at the 2015 UNFCCC meeting in Paris will rest in part on finding ways to increase adaptation finance flows to the most vulnerable countries. This paper explores the potential for two elements of an approach that could help unlock public funding and accelerate the disbursement of international climate finance: a) scaling up one cost effective adaptation response, support for productive safety nets which support public work programmes; and b) assessing the extent to which reimbursable debt service payments could play a role in freeing up finance for such national programming.
Presentation on the future of the LDCF made at the UN Campus in Bonn.
This study presents evolutions in the global distribution of greenhouse emissions between world individuals from 1998 and 2013 and examines different strategies to finance a global climate adaptation fund based on efforts shared among high world emitters rather than high-income countries.
Presentation by Benito Müller to the Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group Thematic Expert meeting in planning for the LDC Group Strategy 2015 in Bonn
16 April 2015
OCP/ecbi mailing on the occasion of the announcement by Quebec Premier Couillard at COP 21 of contributing CA$ 6 million to the Least Developed Countries Fund.
This brief history of Enhanced Direct Access traces the idea back to a number of historic precursors, such as the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW under the Marshall Plan, the World Bank Kecamatan Development Program in Indonesia, and the Brazilian Amazon Fund. It then follows how the idea evolved under the Bali Action Plan, the Transitional committee for the design of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and finally, the GCF Board, culminating in the establishment of a GCF EDA Pilot Phase.
This Summary Memo explains the benefits of innovative finance, i.e. of earmarking (carbon price related) public sector revenue sources for climate change in general, and for supporting climate change activities in developing countries, in particular.
Crunch time for the Green Climate Fund
By Christa Clapp Head of Climate Finance, CICERO, Germana Canzi Head of Programme and Marketing, Climate Strategies
Despite laudable aims of helping the world’s poorest cope with climate change, the Green Climate Fund has no shortage of critics. What must it do to ensure that its good intentions translate into tangible outcomes?
The recent elections have had a sobering effect on expectations regarding US federal actions on climate change, although true to form, President-elect Trump seems to be changing positions on the hoof as he trots along.
This blog looks at the likely negative impact of the US elections on American climate finance for developing countries, and looks at how they could be mitigated at least to some degree through sub-national innovative finance.
This Brochure gives an overview of a project started by Oxford Climate Policy in May 2016, to design and, funding permitting, operationalise the ‘Oxford Crowdfunding for Adaptation’ (OCAD) initiative for corporate air-travel related donations to the Adaptation Fund.
The idea of levying a small charge on air travel to support adaptation efforts in developing countries has been around for over a decade, but it failed to take off as an international instrument. In December 2012, the Adaptation Fund (AF) introduced a ‘Donate’ link on its website, implemented in partnership with the UN Foundation, to receive crowdfunding donations. Following some preliminary research , the OCAD initiative was targeted at corporate air travel, in particular on companies that have, or may be willing to include, climate change as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) portfolio, such as companies that offset the emissions caused by their corporate travel.
The initiative is to encourage these target corporates to donate 1 percent of their air travel costs to the Adaptation Fund directly through its existing individual donation facility. It is estimated that a participation of 1 percent of global corporate air travel would yield USD 100 million annually.
A wave of anti-Trump, pro-climate enthusiasm has washed across the US since president Donald Trump decided to abandon the Paris climate agreement.
Affirmations of the Paris goals have come from thousands of centres of power. State capitols, mayors’ offices and boardrooms have aligned to tell Trump “We Are Still In”. Twelve states, plus Puerto Rico, representing a third of US citizens, have joined the United States Climate Alliance, which commits to meet the carbon cuts the US pledged to the Paris accord.
But those standing by the agreement had, until this week, universally ignored the part of the deal that binds it all together – cash.
Final draft Leaders’ Joint Statement on Climate Change and Clean Energy, EU-China summit 2 June 2017 Brussels, published at:
Funding climate change adaptation for the poorest and most vulnerable
Submission by Canada on its views on the governance and institutional arrangements, safeguards and operating modalities for the Adaptation Fund to serve the Paris Agreement as invited by the COP in Decision 1/CP.22 paragraphs 14 and 15.
Personal letter of appreciation to Massachusetts State Senator Mike Barrett from UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa
Fact sheet for Massachusetts Senate draft Bill SD2138
SD2138 creates the option of a voluntary donation on state tax returns to help the world’s most vulnerable countries cope with global climate change.
Multilateral climate funds play a key role in using public finance to help drive the economic and societal transformation necessary to address climate change. There is growing pressure for policymakers to make the architecture of funds more effective and coherent.
This report examines seven key multilateral climate funds and recommends operational and architectural reforms to improve their ability to deliver low-emissions and climate-resilient development
Massachusetts-U.N. Least Developed Countries Fund
An Act enabling taxpayer donations to the Least Developed Countries Fund, an initiative of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change as filed by Massachusetts State Senator Michael J. Barrett, 28 March 2017
Submission on the Review of the Functions of the Standing Committee on Finance
We propose that the SCF, in its resource mobilization function, develop a Work Plan on Alternative and Innovative Sources of Finance (similar to the existing Work Plan on MRV of Support) – possibly implemented through the Long-Term Finance Work Programme under the aegis of the SCF – with the aim to produce regular (biennial) reports to the COP and the CMA to feed, inter alia, into the biennial ministerial roundtable on climate finance
On the evening of 14 March 2017, the ecbi convened a seminar on resource mobilisation for the Adaptation Fund at La Redoute in Bad Godesberg, Germany. The seminar was co-hosted by Michael Kracht, incoming Chair of the Adaptation Fund Board, and Benito Müller, ecbi director. It was attended by members and alternates of the Adaptation Fund Board, as well as representatives of the Adaptation Fund Secretariat and Trustee.
After a welcome by the incoming Chair, Müller gave an introductory presentation on "Mobilising Resources for the Adaptation Fund", discussing three problems facing the resource mobilisation efforts of the Adaptation Fund:
(i) the drying up of the original core funding source, the share of proceeds from the Clean Development Mechanism;
(ii) the danger of voluntary donations being diverted to the Green Climate Fund to make up for the shortfall, expected after the reneging by the new US administration; and
(iii) administrative overheads involved in national contributions to small funds.
Müller proposed that the Adaptation Fund receive core funding from the Green Climate Fund, under programmatic access. In this context, he proposed that the Board, as soon as possible, request the Secretariat and the Trustee to prepare all the necessary documents necessary for a Board decision to speedily launch an accreditation process with the Green Climate Fund, if it desired, after the issue of whether the Adaptation Fund “may serve the Paris Agreement" is resolved at the next climate conference in November 2017.
The second presentation of the evening on "Potential linkages between the AF and the GCF" was given by David Eckstein, Climate Finance and Investments Policy Advisor, Germanwatch. This was followed by a presentation entitled "You've got the Power! Accrediting the AF to the GCF" by David Rossati, Lecturer at the Law Salford Business School, UK. Rossati explained the independent legal opinion he provided for a recent OCP/ecbi Discussion Note "Time to Decide! The Adaptation Fund after Marrakech", regarding whether the Adaptation Fund Board has the power to initiate accreditation with the GCF, and he discussed some issues arising from the recent update of the Adaptation Fund Secretariat paper on Potential Linkages Between the Fund and the Green Climate Fund.
In the final presentation of the evening, Müller introduced the “Oxford Crowdfunding for Adaptation Initiative” that the ecbi team has initiated, to tap into socially responsible corporate air travel. Müller estimated that if properly marketed, the scheme could provide the Adaptation Fund with US$ 125 million per annum.
March 2017
The surprise election of avowed climate sceptic Donald J. Trump as the 45th US President not surprisingly led some commentators to highlight parallels with the situation in 2001, when President George W. Bush repudiated the Kyoto Protocol
This Strategy Note looks at the situation in 2001 – when the EU took the initiative to save the Kyoto Protocol – and now, with a view to assessing the need for, and chances of, invigorated EU leadership in the international effort to combat climate change under the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Given the statements made by the Chinese leadership in the aftermath of the recent US elections, it is clear that China is willing to continue playing a leading role, both in its domestic actions and in the international climate negotiations. But, the authors argue, the loss of the developed country partner in the ‘G2’ has put China as a developing country in a difficult position because of the internationally acknowledged requirement for leadership from the developed world.. In order to get the maximum ambition out of the Paris Agreement, there needs to be a suitable developed country partner to take up the role of the US in the G2.
This, the authors argue, is where the EU can and must enter into the picture: to help provide the geopolitically balanced leadership which the Paris Agreement requires, if not to survive, then in order to be ambitious and effective. They propose two related measures that would be conducive to that end.
For the new G2 partnership to be as ambitious and effective as possible, the authors suggest that it should be based on ‘strategic collaborations’, by which they mean collaborative actions that involve some concrete quantified targets to be achieved under the collaboration, be it in terms of reducing (utility) emissions or through the linking of emissions trading schemes.
In light of the complexity of competencies in the EU, they also suggest that for collaborations in areas with mixed or sole Member State competence, the presence of a high-level EU ‘Special Envoy for Strategic Climate Change Collaboration’ could be helpful – not only in matters of internal coordination, but as designated interlocutor managing the external relations of the collaborations.
Strategic collaborations thus facilitated should help the EU to demonstrate renewed leadership, in particular (but not only) to partner with China in an ambitious and effective new G2.
It should also be recognized that strategic relationships with other countries, including G 77, should also be an element in the EU effort.
Draft (8 February 2017) OpEd arguing for contributions by American states and cities to multilateral climate finance, in particular the UN Least Developed Countries Fund, given the cessation of Federal finding under the trump administration
Compendium containing
- A Paris Replenishment Cycle for Contributions to the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism
- Procedural Arrangements for the Paris Replenishment Cycle
- Paris Replenishment Cycle: Summary Brief
Consolidating national and international climate finance in a national fund in India could help ensure a common vision and principles; coherence with national strategies; distributive justice; prioritisation of the needs of the most vulnerable; balance between adaptation and mitigation; and continuous review, to enable course corrections when necessary. However, this consolidation must come with a strong commitment to devolution.
ecbi Policy Brief, March 2015
National and international finance is increasingly becoming available in developing countries to address climate change for both mitigation and adaptation. However, existing (domestic) arrangements for climate finance are often dispersed and fragmentary, and lack clear goals and strategies, therefore allowing for neither efficiency nor accountability.
This paper examines the governance arrangements for climate finance in India, and proposes the creation of an Indian National Climate Fund to pool climate finance from different national and international sources, to channel it to the State and local levels.
The Fund should seek to “consolidate without centralisation”, and to devolve decision-making on the use of climate finance to local governments. In addition to defining a common vision and principles for climate finance, such a National Funding Entity should aim for coherence with national development goals strategies, and integration across sectors; distributive justice, to ensure that climate finance reaches those who need it most, and that their needs are prioritised; and a balance between different thematic areas (such as mitigation, adaptation, capacity building etc.). It should also review progress continuously, and make mid-course corrections where necessary.
On 5 March, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Secretariat published a Board Paper and Draft Decision on ‘Additional Modalities that Further Enhance Direct Access: Terms of Reference for a Pilot Phase,’ putting forward recommendations to the GCF Board on how to operationalise the ‘Enhanced Direct Access Pilot Phase’, which was agreed during the last Board meeting that took place in Barbados in October 2014. The Draft Decision is ‘to launch a Request for Proposal to countries through their national designated authority or focal point and public media to competitively select subnational, national, public and private entities for the implementation of 5 pilots with a total of US$ 100 million, including at least 2 pilots to be implemented in small island developing States, the least developed countries and African States’.
Given that engaging local Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) at scale is critical to achieving sustainable low carbon growth in developing countries, this OCP/ecbi Working Paper puts forward a proposal for testing different nationally determined models of an in-country nationally consolidated and guided, but domestically devolved funding architecture for MSMEs under the Pilot Phase.
The key elements of this proposal are:
(i) to consolidate foreign and national public sector finance in a national gateway (‘National Funding Entity’), such as a national climate fund or, in the absence thereof, the Ministry of Finance to serve, inter alia, as GCF Intermediary;
(ii) to select a national body (e.g. the national climate committee) representing all key stakeholders – the relevant line ministries, the NDA, civil society, private sector etc. – to give strategic guidance to the national EDAPP programme.
(iii) to use existing channels (such as local branch networks of national development banks) to disperse the funding through local intermediation, where local intermediaries (branches) are given the power to approve eligible MSME projects under the national EDAPP programme.
In addition to discussing these key elements in some detail, the Working Paper illustrates how the GCF Private Sector Facility could use the EDAPP to fulfil one of its core mandate, viz. to ‘promote the participation of private sector actors in developing countries, in particular local actors, including small- and medium-sized enterprises and local financial intermediaries.’[GCF Governing Instrument, paragraph 43]
The Working Paper also presents two examples of how local banks are currently used as intermediaries for funding developing country MSME mitigation projects:
• The Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Energy Financing framework, funded and managed by the French development agency AFD, under which local banks are used as intermediaries for the provision of concessional loans and (ex ante) investment grants to MSME renewable energy and energy efficiency projects (in industry, agriculture and buildings).
• The GEF funded Indian MSME Energy Efficiency Project, managed by the Indian Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), and the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). The project provides (ex post) performance linked grants through local SIDBI branches to incentivize energy efficiency improvements in (energy intensive) MSMEs.
These examples not only demonstrate in practical terms how a local intermediation can be done, but also that it very efficient and effective and most likely the only way to mobilise local MSMEs at the required scale.
What is the future of adaptation financing under a new global climate agreement and beyond the UNFCCC? What role will an actor such as the Kyoto Protocol Adaptation Fund, which strengthened country ownership by pioneering direct access, play as a result of ongoing efforts to rationalize the global climate finance architecture with the full operationalization of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) as a new major player?
These are some of the questions that were put to the participants of a discussion meeting convened by the Heinrich Boell Foundation North America and the European Capacity Building Initiative (ecbi) on 7 December 2014 (during UN Climate Conference in Lima/Peru). The conversation was kicked off with a short presentation by Benito Mueller on the future of the Adaptation Fund (available at
This meeting report was produced jointly by the Heinrich Boell Foundation and Oxford Climate Policy, on behalf of ecbi.
A presentation on the business perspective and recommendations for the GCF based on industry consultations held in 2013 in New Delhi.
There is little regional data on private investment in CCD beyond that to renewable energy. This paper applies a methodology to address this data gap and to support greater understanding of the role of public incentives in shaping private investment in climate relevant sectors. Because of the granularity needed to understand private investment choices as they relate to CCD, the paper focuses on lessons learned from analysis of four countries and two sectors: Uganda and Namibia’s energy sectors and Zambia and Tanzania’s agricultural sectors. Cross-cutting findings suggest there remains a significant gap in support to the diffusion of decentralised and smaller-scale technologies (hard and soft) which are particularly relevant for Africa. Also, creating the enabling environment for private investment in CCD requires greater support at market level and increased policy coherence within climate relevant sectors, including public support to market-level information collection and dissemination.
Synopsis of the ten most noteworthy insights from the past year on climate finance.
A user-friendly guide to financing options for forests and climate change including an introduction to climate financing, generating proposals, delivery and institutional arrangements.
An article by the Guardian reporting on the 2006 UK pre-budget report which was addressing a tax on low cost flights.
Developed countries have relied heavily on aid budgets to fulfill their pledges to boost funding for addressing climate change in developing countries. However, little is known about how interaction between aid and other ministries has shaped contributors’ diverse approaches to climate finance. This paper investigates intra-governmental dynamics in decision-making on climate finance in seven contributor countries (Australia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, the UK, and the US). While aid agencies retained considerable control over implementation, environment and finance ministries have played an influential and often contrasting role on key policy issues, including distribution between mitigation and adaptation and among geographical regions.
Presentation given by Mr V Saibaba, on behalf of the Indian Federation of chambers of Commerce and Industry (FIC-CI) at the Delhi Vision Consultation by the Indian Ministry of Finance, 15 February 2013, Hotel Taj Mansingh, New Delhi
This guide from the Climate Finance Advisory Service provides negotiators with a synopsis of the key climate finance discussions undertaken in 2014 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It aims to inform negotiators and stakeholders who are interested in the different climate finance agenda items and deliverables at the 20th Conference of Parties (COP20) to be held in Lima, Peru. Furthermore, it assesses possible outcomes in Lima that can prepare the way for the new global agreement on climate change, which will be agreed at the COP in Paris in 2015.
On 17 December, an OCP blog on GCF Direct Access Accreditation: A Simple Strategy was published by Benito Müller. It proposes a very simple two-element accreditation strategy for direct access to the GCF:
[1] Introduce a time limit of five years on accreditations (for all entities), with the possibility of renewal, depending on re-nomination by the recipient country and GCF Board approval.
[2] Limit the number of entities that can access the GCF directly to one or two per recipient country.
Adapting to and mitigating climate change will affect most sectors of our economies. Addressing this problem will require us to rethink our future investment trajectories across the board. Many government agencies and institutions are involved, as well as businesses, civil society, local institutions and communities. Each one of these has its own particular mandates, interests and priorities. Many countries have begun to establish institutional arrangements to direct public finance and investment towards solutions to climate change.
This paper analyses the arrangements that have emerged in Colombia, India, Indonesia, the UK and Zambia to draw lessons on the conditions that facilitate or impede coordination across institutions and actors. It seeks to deepen our understanding of what drives existing arrangements for coordination around climate change-related policy and climate finance.
In India, institutional arrangements around climate finance have mostly followed national policy responses to climate change. This paper maps the emergence of climate change policy in India and subsequently traces the evolution of arrangements around climate finance. An early assessment of the climate finance landscape in India suggests that it is a highly complex and fragmented space with a multiplicity of institutions, actors, and channels of climate finance, both public and private, and domestic and international. This focus of this paper is to understand the processes of collaboration and coordination across the several actors that have a role to play in the national response to climate change policy and finance. In particular, the paper tries to determine the effectiveness of the domestic arrangements to access and manage climate finance, which are aimed at realizing national strategies that respond to climate change.
Should the Adaptation Fund seek accreditation with the Green Climate Fund?
What should be the role of the Adaptation Fund in the post-2015 climate finance regime? In particular, what should be its relation with the Green Climate Fund? This blog by Benito Müller argues that it makes sense for both the AF and the GCF to harness their complementarities by making the AF the main multilateral “retail outlet” of the GCF for concrete small and micro adaptation projects, particularly under the regular direct access modality, as pioneered by the AF. For this to happen, the AF Board must (i) become an accredited intermediary (‘funding entity’) of the GCF, and (ii) arrange a ‘complementarity MOU’ with the GCF.
Abstract: OCP/ecbi CONCEPT NOTE
A great deal of confusion has resulted from the fact that it has hitherto not been possible for the GCF Board to agree on definitions for some of the key nouns referred to in the GCF Governing Instrument in the context of who can access GCF funding. This Concept Note by Benito Müller proposes the following very simple definitions in terms of the GCF accreditation categories:
• Implementing Entity (IE): an entity accredited by the GCF to access GCF funding.
• Project Implementing Entity (PIE): an IE accredited for project management.
• Funding Entity (FE): an IE accredited to award grants and/or allocate funding.
• Financial Intermediary (FI): an IE accredited for on-lending and/or blending.
• Intermediary: an FE and/or FI.
OCP/ecbi Think Piece
Having been established more than a decade ago to address the urgent and immediate needs of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) especially vulnerable to the impact of climate change, the Least Developed Countries Fund for Climate Change (LDCF) still struggles to obtain adequate and predictable funding. The Global Environment Facility, the operating entity of the LDCF, has been unable to program LDCF resources at the level of around US$200 million per year, as proposed in the Programming Strategy for the LDCF.
More generally, this Think Piece by Benito Müller argues, a success at the UN Climate change summit Paris in December will require a significant finance package which is not ad hoc, but rather provides genuine longer-term predictability. In addition to using the proceeds of new international market mechanisms, we think there is also a need to look at innovative sources at the national and sub-national level.
At present, the most promising candidate in this respect is the proposed EU Financial Transaction Tax, aimed to enter into force by the end of the year, with an estimated annual revenue of €37 billion, earmarked for development aid, fighting epidemics and climate change.
However, there are other, sub-national options that need to be explored, in particular where national options are politically unrealistic or insufficient. California could thus decide to use part of the revenue from auctioning allowances for its emission trading scheme. Over the last couple of years this revenue has been steadily increasing to a level (over $1bn in FY14-15) where it might well be politically feasible to use part of it to cover a significant share of the $200 million per annum considered to be the strategic resource requirement of the LDCF.
The recent OCP/ecbi Concept Note "A Paris Replenishment Cycle for Contributions to the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism" introduces the idea of a joint replenishment of all the funds that are to serve the Financial Mechanism of the new Paris Agreement. This follow-on Discussion Note is meant to provide some input into the discussion of how such a joint replenishment might work.
It is imperative that the recently launched GCF strategic planning process focus not only on strategic objectives and the like, but also on institutional and governance architecture, and in particular on enhancing complementarity, effectiveness, and efficiency through a division of labour between the GCF as wholesale agent, and other funding entities as specialized retailers, be it in-country (preferably) through Enhanced Direct Access, or through designated international funds, in particular those that will be serving the financial mechanism of the new Paris Agreement.
Decision B.11/03 invites observer organizations to make submissions to the GCF Secretariat on the elements contained in paragraph (c) by 1 December 2015. This submission is in response to the element of this paragraph stipulating that the measures to be considered in the GCF Strategic Plan should inter alia focus on ‘ensuring that the GCF is responsive to developing country needs and priorities, while ensuring country ownership, [and] enhancing direct access […]’. With respect to this element, we believe certain ‘architectural’ considerations are absolutely key, in particular the issue of what is to be administered ‘in-house’ and what is to be left to others, or ‘outsourced’.
At the tenth meeting of the GCF Board (July 2015), the Accreditation Committee was requested to work on a strategy on accreditation, “examining efficiency, fairness and transparency of the accreditation process, and the extent to which current and future accredited entities will enable the Fund to fulfil its mandate.” This blog argues that for reasons of efficiency and fairness, the strategy will need to pursue two strategic objectives, namely:
- achieving a fair balance between international and direct access entities, and
- ensuring that the GFC is not suffocated by overwhelming numbers of accredited entities.
After examining the current state of affairs, the blog proposes that in the short-term, the most effective way to mitigate the existing imbalances (as well as to incentivise the “signature” Enhanced Direct Access modality) would be to grant top priority accreditation to nation-wide entities submitting an EDA pilot proposal.
An informal roundtable consultation with senior government officials on Consolidation and Devolution of Climate Finance in India took place at the India International Centre, New Delhi, India, on 7 August 2015. The consultation was organised by Oxford Climate Policy and the Indian Keystone Foundation, sponsored by BothEnds and ecbi, and co-facilitated by Rita Sharma, former Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development, and Prodipto Ghosh, former Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.
Among the 23 participants were representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture; of Environment, Forests and Climate Change; of Finance; of Health and Family Welfare; of Rural Development; and of Water Resources. The Deputy Managing Director of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), and the Chief General Manager of the Small Industries Development Bank (SIDBI), two of the designated national implementing entities for the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and the Indian member of the GCF Private Sector Advisory Group, also participated.
The purpose of the meeting was:
i. to discuss national arrangements for climate finance, both at the national and the sub-national level with a particular focus on access by local stakeholders, such as vulnerable communities and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs);
ii. to discuss developments at the Green Climate Fund (GCF), in particular with regard to Enhanced Direct Access; and
iii. to reach out to government actors who have not been significantly engaged in the climate finance discussions so far, but could play an important role.
Pratim Roy, Director, Keystone Foundation, welcomed participants to the meeting, and following a tour de table, handed over to Rita Sharma, former Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, who chaired the first session on existing arrangements for climate finance in India.
The discussion was kicked off with a presentation by Anju Sharma, Head of the ecbi Publications and Policy Analysis Unit, summarizing her recent study on Consolidation and Devolution of National Climate Finance: The case of India.
Sharma noted that existing arrangements for climate finance in India were dispersed and fragmentary, and invited participants to consider:
• how existing climate finance sources could work together, to achieve clear and common goals and targets; and
• how they could be made to target better the needs of the poor, and be locally owned and driven.
She pointed to the need for a level of “consolidation without centralization,” accompanied by a strong agenda for “devolution,” while proposing that existing arrangements, for instance for the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme that also targets the poor and vulnerable, could also be deployed for climate finance.
There was convergence that some form of consolidation and strategic guidance of climate finance flow at the national level, for instance through a national steering committee, would be helpful. Minimally, such a committee should be tasked with monitoring domestic climate finance flows, analysing their effectiveness, and providing recommendations of how shortcomings could be remedied. It was also mentioned that the effectiveness of such a committee could be increased if it had some resources, say in the form of a National Climate Fund, which would allow it to carry out some of these remedial actions itself.
At the same time, there was general agreement that in order to provide funding for local stakeholders (public or private), there is a need for in-country devolution of decision-making in general, and of project approval, in particular. In other words, it was recognised that local projects need local approvals/intermediation.
The second half of the proceedings focussed on the GCF, and the idea of Enhanced Direct Access (EDA). Ousseynou Nakolima, Director of Country Programming at the GCF, joined the discussion virtually from the GCF headquarters in Songdo, South Korea. After a brief message by Nakoulima on why EDA is of paramount importance for the GCF, Ghosh, who was chairing the session, asked Benito Müller, Director ecbi, to give an introductory presentation.
Müller’s presentation began with a brief history of the idea of EDA, in particular in the context of the GCF. He then presented the latest developments, namely the Terms of Reference (TOR) for an EDA Pilot Phase that had been approved at the most recent GCF Board meeting in Songdo (July 2015). The presentation concluded with summary of an Indian case study of how to engage MSMEs through local intermediation.
In the course of the ensuing discussion, particularly on the EDA TOR, Nakoulima was able to answer directly a number of questions by participants, who also raised a number of issues that may need to be taken into account in the formulation of a call for proposals for the EDA Pilot Phase, such as the issue of how to handle multiple implementing entities applying for a pilot programme, in particular with respect to the national oversight and steering function required in the TOR.
After a round of final statements, Roy closed the meeting by thanking the participants, both physical and virtual, and in particular the two co-facilitators who were key to the success of the meeting, both during and in the run up to it.
Developed country climate finance is generally regarded as quid pro quo for developing country mitigation action, and vice versa. In the Copenhagen Accord, for example, developed countries commit themselves to a goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion dollars a year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries … in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation. The latter was provided through developing country ‘Copenhagen pledges’ (Nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties).
What could be the equivalent finance quid in Paris for the developing country Intended Nationally Determined mitigation Contributions (INDCs)?
If, following the example of the Copenhagen pledges, the INDCs currently submitted are meant to be one-off occurrences, then some new overall finance goal for 2025/30 might be sufficient. If, however, the (I)NDCs are meant to be part of an enduring contribution cycle then it stands to reason that the ‘finance quid’ needs to have a similar periodic structure. This Concept Note argues that the most pragmatic and effective option for such a periodic finance instrument would be the establishment of a Paris Replenishment Cycle for the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism. This, it is argued, would satisfy many of the long-standing developing country demands, in particular the key demand for more predictability.
Why national entities submitting an EDA pilot proposal should be prioritized in the GCF Accreditation Strategy
At the tenth meeting of the GCF Board (July 2015), the Accreditation Committee was requested to work on a strategy on accreditation, “examining efficiency, fairness and transparency of the accreditation process, and the extent to which current and future accredited entities will enable the Fund to fulfil its mandate.” This blog argues that for reasons of efficiency and fairness, the strategy will need to pursue two strategic objectives, namely:
1. achieving a fair balance between international and direct access entities, and
2. ensuring that the GFC is not suffocated by overwhelming numbers of accredited entities.
After examining the current state of affairs, the blog proposes that in the short-term, the most effective way to mitigate the existing imbalances (as well as to incentivise the “signature” Enhanced Direct Access modality) would be to grant top priority accreditation to nation-wide entities submitting an EDA pilot proposal.
Working draft paper featuring 22 climate-related projects, programs, and policies to inform the Green Climate Fund and lessons for their financing strategies.
News piece discussing the decision by the GCF Board to approve the terms of reference for a pilot phase for enhanced direct access projects at the 10th meeting in Songdo, South Korea.
The Board approved up to US$200 million for at least ten pilots, including at least four pilots to be implemented in Small Island developing States (SIDS), the least developed countries (LDCs) and African states.
Not every decision has to come from the top. In fact, the drive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would be greatly enhanced if international organizations like the Green Climate Fund chose ambitious national programs and allowed countries the flexibility to select for themselves in which communities investments would be made. This opinion piece discusses the logic behind enhanced direct access the Green Climate Fund.
A news article discussing the GCF Board meeting in March, 2015, and the absence of a decision on modalities to enhance direct access due to lack of time.
Policy interest in the cost of adaptation is growing, but compared to the mitigation literature adaptation cost research is still in its infancy. Global adaptation cost estimates from more recent studies range from around $25 billion a year to well over $100 billion by 2015-2030. The wide range is symptomatic of the poor state of knowledge. Important knowledge gaps remain both in terms of scope (whether all relevant impacts are covered) and depth (whether, for a given impact all relevant adaptation options have been considered). The omissions introduce biases in both directions, upward and downward, but it is likely adaptation costs have been underestimated so far.
Adaptation is only one part of the overall response to (and therefore the costs of) climate change. The total burden of climate change consists of three elements: the costs of mitigation (reducing the extent of climate change), the costs of adaptation (reducing the impact of change) and the residual impacts that can be neither mitigated nor adapted to. The annual adaptation cost estimates reviewed here cannot be directly compared with the other two cost elements. Making that comparison would require an integrated model that takes into account the total impact of greenhouse gases over their lifetime in the atmosphere.
The first, and possibly most momentous decision to be adopted on the final day of the tenth Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board meeting (Songdo, 9 July 2015) was the launch of a five year pilot phase on enhanced direct access (EDA Pilot). It was the crowning moment in the (sometimes arduous) three-year process that began with the inclusion of a mandate in the GCF Governing Instrument for the GCF Board to consider additional modalities that further enhance direct access, including through funding entities with a view to enhancing country ownership of projects and programmes.
The EDA Pilot will initially aim to provide up to US$ 200 million for at least ten pilots, including at least four pilots to be implemented in Small Island Developing States, the least developed countries and African States. It will include devolved decision-making to regional, national, and subnational entities and stronger local multi-stakeholder engagement. The decision-making on the specific projects and programmes to be funded will be made at the national or subnational level, and such direct access is a means to increase the level of country ownership over those projects and programmes.
It also requires a National Oversight and Steering Function for country pilots to be overseen and strategically guided at the national level, and envisages engaging local stakeholders through local intermediation. These key requirements on country pilots correspond precisely with the conclusions on what the EDA Pilot should focus on, drawn in the most recent OCP/ecbi publications on the matter:
- "Consolidation and devolution of national climate finance", and
- "Engaging Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in developing countries"
(both available on ecbi website)
Policy interest in the cost of adaptation is growing, but compared to the mitigation literature adaptation cost research is still in its infancy. Global adaptation cost estimates from more recent studies range from around $25 billion a year to well over $100 billion by 2015-2030. The wide range is symptomatic of the poor state of knowledge. Important knowledge gaps remain both in terms of scope (whether all relevant impacts are covered) and depth (whether, for a given impact all relevant adaptation options have been considered). The omissions introduce biases in both directions, upward and downward, but it is likely adaptation costs
have been underestimated so far.
Adaptation is only one part of the overall response to (and therefore the costs of) climate change. The total burden of climate change consists of three elements: the costs of mitigation (reducing the extent of climate change), the costs of adaptation (reducing the impact of change) and the residual impacts that can be neither mitigated nor adapted to. The annual adaptation cost estimates reviewed here cannot be directly compared with the other two cost elements. Making that comparison would require an integrated model that takes into account the total impact of greenhouse gases over their lifetime in the atmosphere.
Climate Strategies Policy Brief No. 1, 2015
In December, negotiators will converge on Paris to forge a new international climate change agreement for 2020 and beyond. This policy brief is about one of the preconditions for a success at Paris: a breakthrough on climate finance, or, to be more precise, on how earmarked (sub-) national contributions to support developing countries could be part of the ‘Paris Climate Compact’ proposed in the recent report on Mobilizing Climate Finance commissioned by the French Presidency.
The finance breakthrough required for a Paris success will not come in the form of a new fund, or the adoption of a new global finance target/pathway. It may not even be part of the international climate negotiations. If anything, it may be that a significant number of developed country governments, national or sub-national decide to contribute to the Paris Climate Compact by adopting domestic instruments that enhance the predictability/automaticity of their support by earmarking of certain innovative domestic funding sources for the support of climate change efforts in particularly vulnerable developing countries.
The most straightforward way of doing this would be to follow the CDM share of proceeds for adaptation – which was crucial in building sufficient G77 support for the CDM – by setting aside two percent of the revenue of carbon instruments (emission trading schemes, carbon taxes) in solidarity with the poorest and most vulnerable countries, thereby establishing a voluntary ‘Development Gold Standard’ for such instruments.
(This Climate Strategies Policy Brief is based on the OCP/ecbi Think Piece The Paris Predictability Problem: What to do about climate finance for the 2020 climate agreement?)
Adapting to and mitigating climate change will affect most sectors of our economies. Addressing this problem will require us to rethink our future investment trajectories across the board. Many government agencies and institutions are involved, as well as businesses, civil society, local institutions and communities. Each one of these has its own particular mandates, interests and priorities. Many countries have begun to establish institutional arrangements to direct public finance and investment towards solutions to climate change.
This paper analyses the arrangements that have emerged in Colombia, India, Indonesia, the United Kingdom (UK) and Zambia to draw lessons on the conditions that facilitate or impede coordination across institutions and actors. It seeks to deepen our understanding of what drives existing arrangements for coordination around climate change-related policy and climate finance.
Germanwatch Briefing Paper
September 2012
In response to the launch of the OECD "Adaptation Marker" in 2010 and the first complete Creditor Reporting System dataset published in March 2012, this paper examines the credibility of the marker. Our assessment reveals that far less projects than the donor countries reported are in fact relevant to what can be considered climate change adaptation. In brief, we find that roughly 65 % of all activities listed in the original OECD dataset are unrelated to adaptation or at least do not state adaptation as principal or significant objective. Further, from the remaining 35 % only about half of the projects are coded correctly while most of the remaining activities are over-coded. Through this analysis the paper highlights that the current reporting system is prone to overestimation due to several significant insufficiencies. To make the data more reliable and the marker more credible, the OECD as well as the donor countries should work towards indispensable improvements of the guidance for applying the marker.
The paper provides a brief overview of the GCF governing instrument and its operationalisation. It provides insights into current governance structures and also highlights ongoing discussions e.g. on the GCF’s relationship with the UNFCCC and the CoP. Further, the paper describes the legal personality, its operational modalities as well as gives details how countries see the role of the private sector. With regard to social and environmental integrity the publication underlines the need for transparency and a set of standards and safeguards. While shortly analysing the next steps for the GCF to take, the paper emphasises the strong need to secure adequate and sustained funding as “substantial pledges of long term climate finance are necessary to demonstrate real political commitment to the GCF and secure its viability.”
OECD/IEA working paper
The paper analysis two issues 1) how the international community counts both public and private financial flows towards the $100 bn commitment, and 2) how to track these flows. To collect robust, consistent and comparable data from countries and entities the paper provides definitions or guidelines on terms such as additionality and mobilisation. On additionality: following the UNFCCC negotiations in Durban 2011 there is no detailed guidance as to what types of financial flows might be counted, nor on how to count them; and on mobilising: they explain what is meantby climate finance being “mobilised”, and how it can be demonstrated. This is provided as context for enabling the development of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification framework for tracking climate finance flows. The paper focuses on which financial flows might count towards the $100 bn by identifying more political questions and suggest technical elements which can improve the tracking system. Table 2 in the paper provides a good overview of available data and systems. The paper elaborates important questions and implications for multiple sources, instruments, intermediaries and recipients involved in providing or receiving climate finance summarized in Table 3 – 12. Table 13 summarises the challenges for developing a robust tracking system.
At the second Board Meeting of the GCF (held in 18-20 October 2012, in Songdo, Republic of Korea), the Board Member for India (DipakDasgupta) offered to prepare a ―Vision Statement‖to help frame for the Board and stakeholders some key issues and optionsin operationalising the GCF.The enclosed set of three papers provides such a Delhi Vision Statement for Enhanced Operationalization of the GCF. In the coming weeks, we plan to hold more consultations with all Board Members and stakeholders, to include additional views.
This publication by the Inter American Development Bank discusses the unique role that National Development Banks could play in scaling up private financing for climate change mitigation projects through the intermediation of international and national public climate finance in their respective local credit markets and the conditions that would be needed for them to be most effective. It draws from experiences in international climate finance and best practices, processes, and products of NDBs within the Latin American and Caribbean region. Overcoming barriers to private sector investments is critical, and international climate finance can play a critical role in this regard.
This paper addresses several broad issues for governments aiming to encourage private sector
investment in low-carbon climate resilient (LCR) infrastructure, in both developed and developing world contexts. The paper reviews future global infrastructure needs under low carbon and business-as–usual scenarios.
This report aims to advise governments on how to create and improve domestic enabling conditions to shift and scale-up private sector investments in green infrastructure, to finance a transition to a LCR economy and greener growth. This report advances a “green investment policy framework” taking infrastructure investment as a starting point and looking only at climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Reasons for institutional investor hesitancy include a lack of information and expertise when it comes to the type of direct infrastructure investment required to finance clean energy projects, and a potentially unsupportive regulatory backdrop. These problems are compounded by a lack of suitable investment vehicles providing the risk/return profile that institutional investors need to manage the risks specific to clean energy projects.
This paper examines the evidence from existing channelling of development and climate finance via private sector instruments to identify the probable risks and benefits of such approaches. The particular aim of this paper is to stimulate debate within the UK context.
The paper briefly describes the benefits as well as lessons learned that can be drawn from the direct access modalities which are applied by the Adaptation Fund. In particular the paper looks at how direct access requirements have significantly improved institutional processes in the 12 countries that today have applied those modalities. In particular, the paper points out that financial integrity and management and institutional capacity have been developed considerably in the countries concerned. In turn, those improvements have helped countries to better attract resources from other donor agencies. As countries are, by nature, competitive in this space, this may now serve as a motivation for further countries to take similar steps to improve their institutional capacities, in order to secure a share of financial resources.
This discussion paper provides an overview of the concept of direct access to climate finance and focuses on three main components of the public architecture used to deliver international public finance from global funds. The different institutional arrangements can cover the following functions: fund manager or strategic oversight body implementing body (sometimes referred to as a supervisory body) and an executing body (chapter 4). The role of the fund manager is to take funding decisions and to channel funds to the approved project proposals. The implementing body’s responsibility is to identify, evaluate, propose, oversee and appraise programmes or projects for the Board. The executing bodies receive funding to implement the projects. Furthermore, the experience with this financing modality in other global funds (the Kyoto Protocol Adaptation Fund, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI), and the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (the Global Fund)is reviewed.
Overall Summary of US climate finance in fiscal years 2010-2012; overall of global programs in fiscal year 2012;and overview of country-specific programs in fiscal year 2012
Wealthy nations are still not meeting their Copenhagen climate finance pledges. While we await the final numbers from a few contributors, reports to the UNFCCC in May 2012 show that only two of the ten contributors committed their 'fair share' of fast-start climate finance, assess on their capabililty and their responsibility for the problem. The US, EU and Iceland committed half or less of their fair share. The result is that only $23.6bn has been committed, short of the $30bn pledged. Only one-fifth of climate finance supports adaptation in developing countries, in spite of promises to 'balance' it with mitigation funding. It is past time to meet the long-agreed principles: new and additional, predictable, and adequate climate finance.
Oxford Energy and Environment Brief
February 2013
At the second meeting of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board in October 2012, India announced they would prepare a submission with regards to the Board deliberations on a business model for the GCF. A consultation meeting was held in New Delhi on 15-16 February 2013 for which Benito Müller (Director Energy and Environment, OIES) was asked to contribute one of three background papers, focussing on access modalities and disbursement instruments. This Oxford Energy and Environment Brief is based on this background paper.
1. Section A: Introduction to Climate Finance
2. Section B: Kenya National Climate Fund
3. Section C: Absorptive Capacity Development Plan
4. Section D: Carbon Trading Platform
5. Section E: Investment Climate for Climate Investment
1. Annex A: Current and future international climate finance architecture: implications for Kenya’s financing mechanism
2. Annex B: Development Partner Climate Change Activities in Kenya
3. Annex C: Government of Kenya Climate Change Activities
4. Annex D: Analysis of the Carbon Market Landscape in Kenya
5. Annex E: Developments in international carbon markets: implications for Kenya’s carbon finance policy
6. Annex F - National Funding Entities: existing practice and lessons for Kenya
7. Annex G - National CDM governance: existing practice and lessons for Kenya
8. Annex H - Carbon Trading Platforms: International Experiences and Lessons for Kenya
The Fifth Review of the UNFCCC’s Financial Mechanism provides an opportunity for Parties to consider improvements in climate finance in a comprehensive way.
Lessons can be drawn from past reviews, but the scope of the Fifth Review is much broader and involves new institutions.
The UNFCCC’s Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) will lead the Fifth Review and should draw upon a wide range of inputs from processes across the UNFCCC.
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) should anticipate and prepare to act upon issues that are likely to emerge in the Review, with a view to securing favourable results. These issues include: building on the best features of the existing funds and learning from their shortcomings; clarifying roles and responsibilities between the GCF and the UNFCCC’s Conference of the Parties (CoP) to avoid varying interpretations; and anticipating the possibility that the SCF will initiate an independent review of the GCF
This study was commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and was prepared by the University of Zürich (Switzerland). This first attempt of analyzing flows of climate finance from the private sector in Switzerland provides a number of initial findings, some of which are:
• Estimating private climate finance mobilized by Switzerland is very challenging because of missing definitions, and no established measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems
• It is not possible to assign a monetary value to several private sector activities with climate benefits, e.g. research & development, training or transfer of climate-friendly technologies to developing countries
• Based on questionnaires filled by the private sector, the study identifies at least CHF 0.2-0.8 billion of private finance that is annually mobilized by Switzerland and contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation activities in developing countries.
• Based on likely Swiss shares of global figures, private climate finance mobilized by Switzerland is estimated at CHF 0.5-2.7 billion per year.
• As long as no international definitions are available, it seems to be warranted to focus on the flows to be included in the 2014 biennial update report to the UNFCCC private finance mobilized by governmental agencies.
• For other flows, it may be recommendable to wait for international decisions that provide the necessary guidance on which private flows are to be considered before building up costly MRV systems.
• MRV is just one of two key questions in relation to private finance as part of long-term climate finance. The second, and for the climate regime the most important question is how to mobilize private finance for climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing countries.
The third meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) took place in Bonn from the 8th to the 10th March 2013. The SCF has been established by the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC to assist the Conference of Parties (COP) in exercising its functions with respect to the financial mechanism of the Convention. At this meeting the debate took place in both; plenary and in breakout sessions. In the plenary, Committee members discussed on the relevance of each item with regard to their core mandate as well as key elements of deliverables for the meeting. Later on, Board members were divided, depending on their interests, into breakout sessions along the item on the agenda with the view of making recommendation in the plenary for adoption by all board members, The outcomes of key items of agenda summarised in this briefing are the following: a) Fifth review of the Financial Mechanism (FM); b) Arrangements between the COP and the GCF; c) The organisation of the SCF´s forum; d) The expert inputs to the 2013 work programme of long term finance. This report paper provides summarises the key decisions taken during the third meeting of the SCF.
In this brief we explore the options and implications for developed countries within this changing climate finance paradigm. It is structured as follows:
• The first section outlines the background policy context for the climate finance debate;
• The second section explores the extent to which Fast Start Finance commitments have been met. It sets out some of the key challenges in making this assessment, as well as some of the problems faced by developed countries in what can be considered a “learning by doing” phase; and
• The final section identifies nine key challenges that developed countries face as they enter the new climate finance paradigm, and within the context of the diffculties encountered in the first period.
This report attempts to respond to these questions by de-constructing ideological notions of “leveraging” and “crowding in” private finance and examining the track record of the private sector, private financiers and development finance institutions (DFIs) in developing countries. The report concludes that the GCF should approach private companies and financiers slowly and with a high degree of caution, and only engage them to the extent that they can guarantee compliance with high standards on environmental, social and development effectiveness; implement robust processes designed to address financial, social and environmental risks; and produce effective mitigation and adaptation outcomes.
This paper describes an approach to measuring the effectiveness of the national systems that underpin public climate finance delivery. It assesses three interlinked elements of government administration: the policy environment that supports climate change expenditures, the institutional architecture that determines relevant roles and responsibilities, and the public financial system through which climate change-related expenditures are channelled. It identifies key principles of effective climate finance delivery for each of these three elements, and formulates criteria and indicators that reflect a progression towards compliance with those principles.
The mandate of the Green Climate Fund is to ensure different degrees of ownership by recipient countries through different ways (‘modalities’) to access funding, while promoting a country-driven approach. At the 3rd GCF Board meeting, held in March 2013, the different ways to access funding and the options for applying them gathered momentum. Board members agreed that “a country-driven approach is a core principle to build the business model of the Fund” and noted this as an area of convergence among its members. This policy brief provides analysis and recommendations to ensure countries are ready for direct access under the GCF.
The CDM is in crisis. Registrations of new projects have fallen significantly, prices of credits have fallen to record lows of around €0.30, and there are regular reports of companies, skills and expertise leaving the market. A number of commentators have recommended the establishment of a fund to support the CDM. This report analyses the market impact of different designs of a ‘CDM capacity fund’.
An article discussing some of the deeper issues underpinning debates on climate funds and the fundamental flaw in the global discussion on climate finance which prevents real change.
At the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP) in 2010, developed countries formalised a collective climate finance commitment made previously in Copenhagen of “mobilising jointly USD 100 billion per year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries...from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources” (UNFCCC, 2010). However, there is currently no definition of which “climate” activities, flows, or other interventions could count towards the USD 100 billion; what “mobilising” means; or even which countries are covered by this commitment.
At present, official systems in place to track climate finance mainly focus on public outflows from developed countries. The greatest uncertainties relate to private and South-South flows to developing countries as well as domestic flows.
This paper focuses on the issue of private climate finance mobilised by developed countries in the context of the USD 100 billion commitment. It examines different definitions used by actors to quantify the level of private climate finance mobilised by their interventions, as well as the methods used to track private climate finance.
ENB summary of the first meeting of Experts on Long-term Finance.
International shipping and aviation account for approximately 5% of annual anthropogenic CO2 emissions and this is projected to increase in the coming decades. To address these emissions, market-based measures (MBMs) have been proposed to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) by some of their Member States.
As MBMs raise the costs of aviation and maritime transport, they impact economies due to increased prices for passenger travel and exported and imported goods. The main objectives of the study were to:
(i) Assess the economic impacts of a number of MBMs on selected case study countries and globally; and
(ii) Determine the possible, and most effective and efficient tools to address or reduce these impacts, where they are deemed undesirable.
The study focuses on a selection of case study countries which, based on their economic structure, were anticipated to be negatively impacted by MBMs for international shipping and aviation.
This Report makes a series of recommendations that will facilitate access by African countries to the Green Climate Fund.
The GCF is an important climate fund that is currently being designed by the GCF Board. One persistent issue, however, has been the transparency of the GCF Board itself. This blog discusses some of the suggestions and failures to make the meetings more open and transparent overall.
Climate finance has been a key topic in recent international climate negotiations. This report examines how much and what type of finance is available to advance low- carbon growth and combat climate change at a global level.
This presentation provides a history and structure of the Sustainable Island Resource Framework Fund; as well as its key objectives.
Proposal by Antigua and Barbuda to extend the mandate of the Adaptation Fund to designate its as an Operating Entity; and thus including it within the Financial Mechanism of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Proposal for relocating the Adaptation Fund under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
This paper highlights the implications of the current separation of the discourses on PCF and on subsidies, and the opportunities that exist to unlock climate-compatible investment by linking these fields. Though climate finance aims to enable CCD, this paper points out that, within developing countries, subsidies to fossil fuels (alone) currently dwarf any efforts toward CCD through climate finance.
Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF) is an innovative partnership between the Government of Bangladesh, Development Partners and the World Bank to address the impacts of climate change.
A successful global agreement in 2015 will not only depend on the climate finance provisions for the period after 2020, but crucially, the degree to which developed countries can show demonstrable progress by 2015 in the delivery of their climate finance commitments before 2020.
Information Note on the Green Climate Fund Business Model Framework The Governing Instrument of the Green Climate Fund stipulates: The Board will consider additional modalities that further enhance direct access, including through funding entities with a view to enhancing country ownership of projects and programmes. Unfortunately, it does not elaborate further either on the concept of ‘enhanced direct access’ nor on the notion of a ‘funding entity’. The aim of this note is to fill this semantic lacuna, and give a brief overview of a concrete example of the latter.
Submission to the UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) for its fourth meeting on 15-17 June in Bonn, Germany.
The focus of the recent SC meeting in Bonn was to draft the text for the arrangements between the UNFCCC Conference of Parties and the Green Climate Fund. This submission by the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies looks at the question that ultimately proved to be most controversial: What does it mean for an Operating Entity of the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism to be accountable to the COP, and how does this relate to operationalizing Art. 11.3 (b)?
This OIES Research Paper by Benito Müller, Samuel Fankhauser, and Maya Forstater looks at the possibility of using Quantity Performance (QP) instruments for 'wholesale' mitigation funding through enhanced direct access to the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
The Paper carries out an evaluation of such instruments in this context with respect to three key objectives of the GCF, namely, to promote a paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways, to achieve economic efficiency in directly securing emission reductions at cost, and to support equity in the distribution of resources. Based on this evaluation, the paper concludes that QP instruments can be used in conformity with these objectives, provided they are used as a complement to other funding instruments.
It ends by putting forward two examples of how QP instruments could be used in such a 'wholesale' fashion
Private climate finance cannot be a substitute for direct public support, and adaptation in particular is likely to offer few commercially profitable opportunities for private financiers. Before the GCF considers the role of the private sector in meeting the climate finance needs of developing countries, it should first ask: what are the needs of the people living in those countries? Second, can private finance and support for the private sector help to equitably and effectively meet those needs, in accordance with the GCF Governing Instrument and the UNFCCC?
This report attempts to respond to these questions by de-constructing ideological notions of “leveraging” and “crowd- ing in” private finance and examining the track record of the private sector, private financiers and development finance institutions (DFIs) in developing countries. The report concludes that the GCF should approach private companies and financiers slowly and with a high degree of caution.
The paper sheds light on the potential of the EU ETS as a finance instrument. How EU ETS revenues could help meet the financial needs for climate actions and current problems. In particular, the question of earmarking ETS revenues for climate finance.
The paper contains seven case studies from EU member states.
A blog article discussing this critical time for the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The 24-member Board is working on the Rules of Procedure, which will ultimately determine how transparent and inclusive the functioning of the Board will be in future. A fund which could rival the World Bank and carry enormous impact for adaptation and development.
Together with civil society groups in developing countries, Oxfam, the Overseas Development Institute, and the World Resources Institute are launching the Adaptation Finance Accountability Initiative (AFAI). Building on ongoing work to monitor and strengthen accountability for adaptation finance, AFAI will initially focus on four countries in collaboration with CSOs there: the Zambia Climate Change Network, Clean Energy Network (Nepal), Climate Action Network Uganda, and Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (Philippines).
A presentation on Direct Access
Significant investments are needed to support the global transition to a lowcarbon, climate resilient future. Current finance flows fall short of global financing needs, and massive scaling up is needed to unlock additional financial resources and foster a sustainable investment pathway. Overcoming barriers to private sector investments is critical, and international climate finance can play a catalytic role in this regard. National development banks (NDBs) have a unique role in this context, both complementing and catalyzing private sector players.
NDBs have a privileged position in their local markets, strong knowledge of and long-standing relationships with the local private sector, a good understanding of local barriers to investment, and opportunities and vast experience in long-term investment financing. This paper discusses the unique role that NDBs could play in scaling up private financing for climate change mitigation projects through the intermediation of international and national public climate finance in their respective local credit markets and the conditions that would be needed for them to be most effective. It draws from experiences in international climate finance and best practices, processes, and products of NDBs within the Latin American and Caribbean region.
Brief Summary
This discussion paper addresses and raises different questions regarding what kind of private finance could be included in the 100bn USD of climate finance, which developed countries committed to mobilize annually by 2020. It argues that not all kinds of private climate finance should be included in the 100bn USD but rather that there is a need for a clear definition on which private finance to include. In addition, it refers to what kind of state action is needed to account the private finance towards the “100bn USD”-commitment (resp. towards the state's share of this commitment). Besides the requirement for a certain level of state involvement, it must be ensured that no double counting with other commitments occurs and hence no finance flows of the carbon market should be accounted. And finally it argues that with regard to both private and public finance flows only net flows should be accounted. Further it raises questions regarding a categorization of different instruments (e.g. grant, concessional loans, guarantees) towards public or private finance. Overall, as much public finance as possible should be provided in order to on the one hand invest into areas which have difficulties for attracting private finance and on the other hand use public funds in a way which can mobilize effectively much more private finance for climate action; therewith lowering the gap between the finance needed and the finance provided.
This edition of the CIFs Monitor outlines recent developments at the CIFs and collates ongoing concerns over their operation. It builds on CIFs Monitor 5, published in May 2012. This edition reports on CTF trust fund committee and SCF programme sub-committee meetings and communications from May 2012 to mid October 2012. These committees serve as the governing bodies of the funds. Information on the CIFs, including meeting notes and submissions, can be accessed at
September 2012
In response to the launch of the OECD "Adaptation Marker" in 2010 and the first complete Creditor Reporting System dataset published in March 2012, this paper examines the credibility of the marker. Our assessment reveals that far less projects than the donor countries reported are in fact relevant to what can be considered climate change adaptation. In brief, we find that roughly 65 % of all activities listed in the original OECD dataset are unrelated to adaptation or at least do not state adaptation as principal or significant objective. Further, from the remaining 35 % only about half of the projects are coded correctly while most of the remaining activities are over-coded. Through this analysis the paper highlights that the current reporting system is prone to overestimation due to several significant insufficiencies. To make the data more reliable and the marker more credible, the OECD as well as the donor countries should work towards indispensable improvements of the guidance for applying the marker.