How to reach a deal at Cancun?
European Capacity Building Initiative
Policy Briefs and Notes
What would be a successful outcome of COP 16 in Cancun as concerns climate finance?
What would be a successful outcome of COP 16 in Cancun as concerns climate finance? The aim of this paper is to assess how the momentum achieved in Tianjin can be harnessed to deliver the sort of outcomes required for a comprehensive deal.
OCP/ecbi/OIES Discussion Note
A new proposal for Operationalising the Kyoto Protocolís
adaptation fund.
Operationalising the Kyoto Protocolís
adaptation fund: A new proposal
A new proposal
This brief puts forward detailed recommendations concerning the functions and the form of the Standing Committee defined at Cancun.
At Cancun, the COP decided to establish a Standing Committee to assist it in exercising its functions with respect to the Financial Mechanism of the Convention. But it left open how exactly this should be done. The ecbi Policy Brief by Farrukh Khan and Benito M¸ller begins by looking at the COP functions which the Standing Committee is meant to assist considering, in particular, how such assistance could enhance the implementation of the Financial Mechanism. Based on this analysis, the brief puts forward detailed recommendations concerning the functions and the form of the Standing Committee.
Operationalizing the Standing Committee
This is not a fight against nature. It is a battle against short-sighted egoism, a fight against unreasonableness and blindness. And, above all, it is a fight for solidarity.
So which contributor countries met their obligations from Copenhagen 2009, and which are lagging?
At the 2009 Copenhagen climate change negotiations the worldís wealthier nations pledged major funding to help developing countries shift to a lower-carbon economy, and to deal with current and future climate change impacts. They pledged US$30 billion of ënew and additionalí fast-start climate finance, with funding ëbalancedí between mitigation and adaptation. We are now at the end of the fast-start period (2010-2012). So which contributor countries met their obligations and which are lagging?
Generating new (innovative) sources of funding from US states, regions, and cities, for the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) of the Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement.