European Capacity Building Initiative

Policy Briefs and Notes

Benito Müller Harro van Asselt, Cristina Carreiras, and Kaveh Guilanpour
Publication Date:
March, 2016

Two policy briefs detailing, on the one hand the history of the current financial mechanism, and suggesting, on the other a Reformed Financial Mechanism for the post Copenhagen period by Benito Müller and Luis Gomez-Echeverri are available for downloading.

Two policy briefs detailing, on the one hand the history of the current financial mechanism, and suggesting, on the other a Reformed Financial Mechanism for the post Copenhagen period by Benito Müller and Luis Gomez-Echeverri are available for downloading.

Benito Müller, Luis Gomez-Echeverri
Publication Date:
April, 2009

This paper draws on lessons from the concluded Bali Road Map negotiations to reflect on possible approaches to commitments in the 2015 agreement and its legal form.

This paper draws on lessons from the concluded Bali Road Map negotiations to reflect on possible approaches to commitments in the 2015 agreement and its legal form, the shift from a ëtop-downí to a ëpledge and reviewí approach to commitments, and the seemingly paradoxical relationship between the nature of commitments and the effectiveness of the regime.

Lessons from the Bali Road Map

Xolisa Ngwadla, Achala C.Abeysinghe and Adéyêmi Freitas
Publication Date:
March, 2013

How to enhance mitigation ambition under the Paris Agreement

Benito Müller
Publication Date:
April, 2016

Two policy briefs detailing, on the one hand the history of the current financial mechanism, and suggesting, on the other a Reformed Financial Mechanism for the post Copenhagen period by Benito Müller and Luis Gomez-Echeverri are available for downloading.

Benito Müller, Luis Gomez-Echeverri
Publication Date:
April, 2009

A review of 2012 Fast-start Finance to assess whether wealthy nations transparently contributed a fair-share of the US$ 30 billion pledge.

A review of 2012 Fast-start Finance to assess whether wealthy nations transparently contributed a fair-share of the US$ 30 billion pledge, while balancing adaptation and mitigation funding, sourcing funds through UNFCCC channels, and without reverting to debt- inducing loans in the place of grants.

Have Climate Finance Promises Been Fulfilled for the LDCs?

David Ciplet, Timmons Roberts, Mizan Khan, Spencer Fields and Keith Madden
Publication Date:
April, 2013

An OCP/ecbi Legal Note

Wouter Geldhof, Tom Ruys, and Benito Müller
Publication Date:
May, 2014

The long-term view: OCP/ecbi/OIES Discussion Note

Bo Kjellen
Publication Date:
April, 2016

International Air Passenger Adaptation Levy (IAPAL): A proposal by the Group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) within the framework of the Bali Action Plan, submitted to the UNFCCC AWC-LCA on 12 December 2008; with Thirteen Questions and Answers compiled by Benito M¸ller

International Air Passenger Adaptation Levy (IAPAL): A proposal by the Group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) within the framework of the Bali Action Plan, submitted to the UNFCCC AWC-LCA on 12 December 2008; with Thirteen Questions and Answers compiled by Benito M¸ller

A proposal by the Group of LDCs within the framework of the Bali Action Plan

Publication Date:
April, 2009
