European Capacity Building Initiative

Policy Briefs and Notes

In their Scenario Note on the sixth part of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP), the ADP Co-chairs emphasized that “it is essential to use the October session to make significant progress in clarifying and advancing the content of the 2015 agreement, to build bridges and to work together on outstanding issues. In particular, it will be important in the October session, to further clarify and flesh out the operational aspects of the agreement. Key challenges that will need focussed attention in our work include: deepening the understanding on the longer-term cycle of contributions/commitments, including its periodicity (length) and the functions of the steps proposed, such as any periodical consideration or assessment and review”.

This ecbi/OCP Concept Note by Benito Müller, Xolisa J. Ngwadla (South Africa), Jose D. G. Miguez (Brazil) with Isabel Cavelier Adarve (Colombia), Carlos Fuller (Belize), Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu (DRC), and Nagmeldin G. Elhassan (Sudan) introduces the idea of a Dynamic Contribution Cycle as a contribution to the debate on these issues.

Sequencing Contributions in the 2015 Paris Agreement

Benito Müller, Xolisa J. Ngwadla, Jose D. G. Miguez with Isabel Cavelier Adarve, Carlos Fuller, Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu & Nagmeldin G. Elhassan
Publication Date:
October, 2014

Review and Communication Cycles - Options Note

Benito Müller and Xolisa Ngwadla, with Cristina Carreiras, Geert Fremout, Carlos Fuller, Kishan Kumarsingh, Jose Miguez
Publication Date:
October, 2016

Bonn III Reports of the ecbi/IIED Supported Negotiators from Vulnerable Developing Countries.

Bonn III Reports of the ecbi/IIED Supported Negotiators from Vulnerable Developing Countries

Publication Date:
October, 2009

The Tenth Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action

Momodou Njie
Publication Date:
June, 2010

On 5 March, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Secretariat published a Board Paper and Draft Decision on ‘Additional Modalities that Further Enhance Direct Access: Terms of Reference for a Pilot Phase,’ putting forward recommendations to the GCF Board on how to operationalise the ‘Enhanced Direct Access Pilot Phase’, which was agreed during the last Board meeting that took place in Barbados in October 2014. The Draft Decision is ‘to launch a Request for Proposal to countries through their national designated authority or focal point and public media to competitively select subnational, national, public and private entities for the implementation of 5 pilots with a total of US$ 100 million, including at least 2 pilots to be implemented in small island developing States, the least developed countries and African States’.

Enhanced Direct Access and the GCF Private Sector Facility

Benito Müller
Publication Date:
February, 2015

Shares of Proceeds and Crowdfunding

Benito Müller with Alexandra Kornilova, and Carsten Warnecke
Publication Date:
October, 2016

Bangkok Reports of the ecbi/IIED Supported Negotiators from Vulnerable Developing Countries

Bangkok Reports of the ecbi/IIED Supported Negotiators from Vulnerable Developing Countries

Publication Date:
October, 2009

The importance of involving stakeholders in the GCF

Benito Müller
Publication Date:
August, 2012

National and international finance is increasingly becoming available in developing countries to address climate change for both mitigation and adaptation. However, existing (domestic) arrangements for climate finance are often dispersed and fragmentary, and lack clear goals and strategies, therefore allowing for neither efficiency nor accountability. This ecbi Policy Brief by Anju Sharma, Benito Müller, and Pratim Roy examines the governance arrangements for climate finance in India, and proposes the creation of an Indian National Climate Fund to pool climate finance from different national and international sources, to channel it to the State and local levels. The Fund should seek to 'consolidate without centralisation', and to devolve decision-making on the use of climate finance to local governments. In addition to defining a common vision and principles for climate finance, such a National Funding Entity should aim for coherence with national development goals strategies, and integration across sectors; distributive justice, to ensure that climate finance reaches those who need it most, and that their needs are prioritised; and a balance between different thematic areas (such as mitigation, adaptation, capacity building etc.). It should also review progress continuously, and make mid-course corrections where necessary.

Anju Sharma, Benito Müller and Pratim Roy
Publication Date:
March, 2015

Q&A, OCP/ecbi Discussion Note

Benito Müller
Publication Date:
October, 2016
