European Capacity Building Initiative

Latest publications

Submission to the Transitional Committee on the issue of Thematic Funding Windows (Workstreams II & III)
Benito Müller
August 2011
To be used for the Fellowship Presentations
August 2011
This brief puts forward detailed recommendations concerning the functions and the form of the Standing Committee defined at Cancun.
At Cancun, the COP decided to establish a Standing Committee to assist it in exercising its functions with respect to the Financial Mechanism of the Convention. But it left open how exactly this should be done. The ecbi Policy Brief by Farrukh Khan and Benito M¸ller begins by looking at the COP functions which the Standing Committee is meant to assist considering, in particular, how such assistance could enhance the implementation of the Financial Mechanism. Based on this analysis, the brief puts forward detailed recommendations concerning the functions and the form of the Standing Committee.
Operationalizing the Standing Committee
Farrukh Iqbal Khan and Benito Müller
August 2011
Dissecting the Green Climate Fund
speaking notes
Benito Müller
July 2011
Transitional Committee for the Design of the Green Climate Fund - Workstream II
Mandate, Status of Work and Work Plan
Benito Müller
June 2011
Long-term Finance Sources
Erik Haites
June 2011
2011 Bonn Seminar
Form and function of the Standing Committee and the Transitional Committee, and long-term finance
June 2011
ecbi Executive Committee
May 2011
On 26th of November, ecbi held its first Pre-COP workshop for South and South East Asian Negotiators in Cancun, Mexico, which was attended by 20 delegates representing Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Cambodia. The presentations were on the issues of adaptation, finance, loss and damage, and capacity building and particularly focused on possible outcomes at COP 16.
Hohit Gebreeg, Achala Chandani
May 2011
ecbi Finance Circle meeting with Transitional Committee members
speaking notes
Benito Müller
April 2011
