European Capacity Building Initiative

Latest publications

International Air Passenger Adaptation Levy (IAPAL)
Aviation as an Instrument for Climate Financing
Muyeye Chambwera, Achala Chandani
September 2011
Loss and Damage in the Context of Adaptation to Climate Change
Sumaya Ahmed Zakieldeen, Koko Warner
September 2011
The "legal form" Discussions under the AWGs
Focus on the Second KP Commitment Period and the Future of the KP
MJ Mace
September 2011
Issues in MRV/ICA/IAR
Luis Gomez-Echeverri
September 2011
National Institutional Arrangements for Climate Change Action
Mitigation and Adaptation
Luis Gomez-Echeverri
September 2011
Options for Increasing the Level of Mitigation Ambitions in the Short-Term
Spencer Thomas
September 2011
The Centre for Policy Research held a discussion on The EU Aviation Scheme & International Law on Friday, the 5th of August 2011. The topic was introduced by Lavanya Rajamani, Professor, and chaired by Navroz Dubash, Senior Fellow, CPR. This discussion was†a part of CPR's Climate Initiative as well as its International Law Seminar Series.
CPR Discussion
September 2011
Negotiation Issues Concerning NAPs
LDC Perspective
Pa Ousman Jarju
September 2011
2011 ecbi Fellows Colloquium: Programme
September 2011
Climate Finance 2011
Operationalising the Standing Committee
Benito Müller
September 2011
