This report elaborates on key outcomes from COP28, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, namely the Global Stocktake (GST), Loss and Damage, and the Just Transition Work Programme (JTWP). It discusses how key decisions were reached, particularly the agreement to include language on "transitioning away from from fossil fuels in energy systems in a just, orderly and equitable manner." The document provides an overview of the evolution of loss and damage discussions in the climate negotiations and...
European Capacity Building Initiative
Latest publications
This report focuses on discussions and decisions related to ambition, finance, loss and damage, and the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA). It explains that, while COP27 failed to move the needle closer to the temperature goal of 1.5°C, it did result in an historic (and unexpected) decision to establish a fund and funding arrangements to respond to loss and damage for those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Other significant outcomes the report addresses include agreement on...
March 2023
Updated Pocket Guide on Loss and Damage highlights recent developments on the issue in the climate negotiations since 2018, including the agreement on a fund and funding arrangements for loss and damage.
December 2023
ecbi has published its 2023 Annual Report. The Bonn Seminar , Fellows Colloquium, and Oxford Seminar took place during the report period, covering a range of issues of relevance to the intergovernmental climate negotiations, such as the Global Stocktake, climate finance particularly for loss and damage, and Paris Agreement Article 2.1.c on making financial flows consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. ecbi also published numerous discussion notes, policy briefs, and blog posts, while...
February 2024
2023 Edition of the Pocket Guide to the Paris Agreement provides updated information on where things stand with respect to the Articles of the Agreement.
November 2023
A summary of the discussions at the 2023 Oxford Seminar, which focused on, among others, the Global Stocktake, innovative sources for climate finance, the Just Transition Work Programme, Gender, Article 2.1.c, the Miitigation Work Programme, and the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance,
November 2023
Policy brief on L&D Pilot Funding Arrangements: The Need to Pilot Innovative Funding Sources and Response Tools
November 2023
October 2023
This Discussion Note, titled Sustainable Aviation Fuels - The Way Forward: From Biological to Synthetic Fuels, focuses on the key role Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) play in meeting the aviation industry’s commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050.
September 2023
On 11 June, ecbi convened its annual Bonn Seminar, bringing together approximately 40 participants from European and developing countries, of which around 40% were women and 45% were from developing countries. The seminar included presentations on: Article 2.1.c., on making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low GHG emissions and climate-resilient development; the Global Stocktake; and the pre-2030 Mitigation Ambition Work Programme.
July 2023