European Capacity Building Initiative

ecbi provides sustained capacity building for climate change negotiators, to promote a level playing field between governments in the international climate negotiations. The Initiative aims to facilitate mutual understanding and trust – among developing countries, and between developing and European countries.


In June 2024, ecbi Director Benito Müller introduced the proposal for a Climate Solidarity Alliance to a meeting of the Climate and Development Ministerial (C&DM) at Wilton Park, at the invitation of Christopher Bartlett from Vanuatu. In his pre-recorded message, which kicked off the session, Müller explained that the idea of such an alliance is based on a 20-year-old proposal for an air passenger levy to support developing countries deal with climate impacts through adaptation. While the original idea was...

02 July 2024

During a virtual panel discussion organised by the International Peace Institute, ecbi Director Benito Müller presented on the potential of climate levies to fund climate action, particularly loss and damage. The event, Mobilizing Finance for Climate, Inequality, and Sustainable Development: New Taxes and Levies, took place on 18 June. During the event, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, IPI President and CEO, provided welcoming remarks and the event was moderated by Jimena Leiva Roesch, Director of Global Initiatives, IPI.

In his presentation, Müller mentioned discussed the proposal for aviation and...

28 June 2024

The 2024 edition of ecbi's Bonn Seminar convened on 9 June at the Hotel Collegium Leoninum, with presentations and discussions on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG), and the Future of the Intergovernmental Process. In her presentation on Article 6, Kristin Qui, Climate Analytics Caribbean, discussed progress made on Paris Agreement Article 6.2 and 6.4 (market-based cooperative approaches) and Article 6.8 and 6.9 (non-market based cooperative approaches. COP28, she explained, agreed that Article 6.2 involves decentralised cooperative...

09 June 2024

The Women Climate Leaders Network of the UNFCCC (WCLN) met on the margins of the Bonn Climate Conference in June 2024. During the now traditional ‘first Monday of the conference’ dinner, which was supported by ecbi, WCLN members exchanged stories, discussed challenges faced, and explored ideas and plans for future events. 

The dinner was followed a few days later by a Women Leaders Café event, a first for the Network. As well as raising awareness about the Network, the drop-in session...

08 June 2024