European Capacity Building Initiative

Latest publications

The Road to Bali: An analysis of the Vienna Climate Talks
J¸rgen Lefevere (EC)
September 2007
How can international frameworks support domestic implementation?
Karsten Neuhoff (University of Cambridge)
September 2007
Possible Post 2012 CDM Key Challenges
David Lesolle (Botswana)
September 2007
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries
Fellows¥ Recommendations; Oxford Seminar 2007
Manuel Estrada (Mexico)
September 2007
Results of Discussion on Capacity Building Needs
Tran Thuc (Vietnam)
September 2007
The political framework, The quantitative role of CDM post-2012, Aggregation of CDM, Policy CDM, Sector CDM, Programmatic CDM.
Axel Michaelowa
September 2007
Discussions based on the Sao Paulo Proposal for the BASIC project
Alejandra Lopez Carbajal (Mexico)
September 2007
The focus of Phase I (2005-07) was on collaborations with countries from Europe (in the wider sense), the G5 (Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and South Africa), Sub-Saharan Africa and South/Southeast Asia. In Phase II (2008-12) it is planned to include Latin America.
A key limitation of the UN climate change negotiations is the lack of a level playing field between delegations, both North-South, and South-South. Other major obstacles to successful outcomes are mutual misunderstanding and lack of trust, particularly between industrialised and developing countries. The European Capacity Building Initiative (ecbi) is aimed at overcoming these limitations and obstacles through a number of capacity and trust building activities, subsumed under three complementary integrated Programmes. The focus of Phase I (2005-07) was on collaborations with countries from Europe (in the wider sense), the G5 (Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and South Africa), Sub-Saharan Africa and South/Southeast Asia. In Phase II (2008-12) it is planned to include Latin America.
August 2007
Compte Rendu de la Visite ‡ Paris dans le Cadre du Fellowship ecbi en Ao?t 2007
Compte Rendu de la Visite ‡ Paris dans le Cadre du Fellowship ecbi en Ao?t 2007
August 2007
Among the issues discussed were Integration of climate change and development, a potential 'Bali package', and the governance of the Adaptation Fund.
On 13 May 2007, the ecbi Fellowship Programme held the second Bonn Seminar during the intersessional meeting of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies in Bonn, Germany to maintaining and strengthening the momentum of the trust-building activities of the Oxford Fellowships ñ particularly the North-South component. Among the issues discussed were Integration of climate change and development, a potential 'Bali package', and the governance of the Adaptation Fund
July 2007
