European Capacity Building Initiative

Latest publications

2009 ecbi Informe sobre el Taller Regional del ecbi para el Desarrollo de Capacidades para las Negociaciones de la ConvenciÛn Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Clim·tico, Bolivia.
2009 ecbi Informe sobre el Taller Regional del ecbi para el Desarrollo de Capacidades para las Negociaciones de la ConvenciÛn Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Clim·tico 17-19 de Agosto de 2009, La Paz, Bolivia
October 2009
Bonn III Reports of the ecbi/IIED Supported Negotiators from Vulnerable Developing Countries.
Bonn III Reports of the ecbi/IIED Supported Negotiators from Vulnerable Developing Countries
October 2009
Climate Change Finance. Proceedings of the 2009 Oxford Fellowship and Seminar
Climate Change Finance. Proceedings of the 2009 Oxford Fellowship and Seminar
Climate Change Finance
October 2009
Report on Regional Workshop for East and Southern Africa in Ethiopia, 2009
Report on Regional Workshop for East and Southern Africa in Ethiopia, 2009
September 2009
Negotiating the Development and Transfer of Technologies for a Copenhagen Outcome: Issues for Consideration.
Klein, Diarra, Lessolle
September 2009
Adaptation Financing post 2012. Some thoughts
Saleemul Huq (Senior Fellow, Climate Change Group, International Institute for Environment and Development)
September 2009
REDD. 2009 ecbi Oxford Fellows
2009 ecbi Oxford Fellows
September 2009
Climate Change Finance Sources, Institutions, and Governance
2009 Fellows Presentation on Finance
2009 ecbi Oxford Fellows
September 2009
August 2009
August 2009
