In the course of the year, the Fellowship Programme held eight virtual events; and the Training and Support Programme held three regional Training Webinars. By far the most productive arm of the ecbi last year was the Publications and Policy Analysis Unit, which produced five Policy Briefs, eight Pocket Guides, four blog posts, and seven meeting reports.
European Capacity Building Initiative
Latest publications
Legislating the Paris Agreement in Africa: Approaches to climate legislation in Eswatini, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda
Sharing experiences – particularly on the merits of different legislative approaches, lessons learnt, and good practices – can help drive efficient and successful implementation of climate action on the ground, and ultimately more ambitious action under the Paris Agreement. This policy brief considers the experience of four countries in Sub-Saharan Africa that have completed or initiated the process of developing framework laws: Kenya (the first country in Africa to adopt a climate change...
March 2021
Quo Vadis COP? Future Arrangements for Intergovernmental Meetings under the UNFCCC – Settled and Fit for Purpose
As the global climate change negotiations shift to implementation mode, the institutions and process of the global negotiations will also have to adapt and become fit for purpose. This report proposes new arrangements that reflect this new role, particularly for the Conference of the Parties (COP). We propose that COPs should be slimmed-down in size considerably to deal with technical matters related to implementation. Political elements can be dealt with in processes outside the COPs that have...
March 2021
The term ‘response measures’ is not in regular use outside of the UNFCCC process, and is not easily understood by policymakers and stakeholders even within the process. This Guide aims to increase understanding of the topic, particularly among climate negotiators, to facilitate the UNFCCC negotiations on response measures.
March 2021
Les menaces créées par les changements climatiques se multiplient et les pays en développement vont avoir besoin de négociateurs capables de défendre leurs populations contre ces menaces. Ces guides de poche sont un apport à l’arsenal qu’il leur faudra déployer pour réussir. Nous espérons qu’ils seront utiles et que nous continuerons à recevoir vos retours d’information.
March 2021
At the Regional Training Webinar for the Caribbean which took place on 24 February 2021, ecbi trialled online "mock negotiations" to give trainee climate negotiators a taste of the real thing.
March 2021
International bulk purchasing as an NMA: Using Article 6.8 of the Paris Agreement to reduce the cost of climate technology
Bulk purchasing technology under the non-market approaches (NMAs) defined in Article 6.8 of the Paris Agreement could help developing countries to reduce the costs of climate-friendly technology. This policy brief describes how such NMAs could allow groups of developing countries to drive down costs by pooling procurement, and using reverse auctioning to “discover” the lowest price.
March 2021
"Non-market mechanisms are not about marketing emissions, but that does not mean they have to avoid private investments"
At a webinar on non-market mechanisms (NMAs) under Article 6.8 of the Paris Agreement, organised by ecbi on 17 February 2021, the key architect of Article 6.8 explained that "non-market" need not exclude a role for the private sector.
February 2021
The climate negotiations are strongly influenced, on all sides, by appeals to ‘listen to the science’. This Pocket Guide is aimed at both scientists and policymakers who are involved in the science-policy interface that underpins the negotiations. It provides guidance on questions such as what is meant by ‘climate science’? How do you know which ‘scientific’ voices to listen to? How do you balance scientific information against other relevant considerations?
February 2021
ecbi Director Benito Müller presented the proposal for a Glasgow Ambition Cycle at the Technical Dialogue on Common Time Frames for Nationally Determined Contributions convened by Marianne Karlsen, SBI Chair, on 2 December 2020 as part of the 2020 UN Climate Change Dialogues.
December 2020