European Capacity Building Initiative

Latest publications

Discussion Note for the Sixth Meeting of the Green Climate Fund Board
A Discussion Note for the Sixth Meeting of the Green Climate Fund Board
Status quo and the way forward
Benito Müller
April 2014
Benito Müller
April 2014
OCP/ecbi/OIES Discussion Note
Benito Müller
April 2014
Benito Müller
April 2014
Preliminary Thoughts
Benito Müller
April 2014
This Rough Guide to Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) by Benito Müller provides the key conceptual tools needed to understand EDA and exemplifies the main access models graphically with a number of figures, meant to illustrate the key differences between these models.
This Rough Guide to Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) by Benito Müller provides the key conceptual tools needed to understand EDA and exemplifies the main access models graphically with a number of figures, meant to illustrate the key differences between these models.
OCP/ ecbi/ OIES
March 2014
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board is in the process of considering "additional modalities that further enhance direct access". A devolved and decentralized access modality has been proposed as an alternative to the more traditional model, where detailed project approval is carried out at the multilateral level. This ecbi Policy Brief by Benito Müller and William Pizer explains the relation between "enhanced direct access" and "programmatic approaches," and addresses certain concerns raised about this decentralized/devolved access model, using seven case studies to illustrate current practices that could provide ideas and insights about how the GCF might design its own approach. The case studies are focused around four questions: a. How does the funding model generally work, in terms of disbursing funds? b. Who decides what? What decisions are taken by the governing funding body and what decisions are devolved and to whom? c. How does this funding model ensure the governing body’s...
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board is in the process of considering "additional modalities that further enhance direct access". A devolved and decentralized access modality has been proposed as an alternative to the more traditional model, where detailed project approval is carried out at the multilateral level. This ecbi Policy Brief by Benito Müller and William Pizer explains the relation between "enhanced direct access" and "programmatic approaches," and addresses certain concerns raised about this decentralized/devolved access model, using seven case studies to illustrate current practices that could provide ideas and insights about how the GCF might design its own approach. The case studies are focused around four questions: a. How does the funding model generally work, in terms of disbursing funds? b. Who decides what? What decisions are taken by the governing funding body and what decisions are devolved and to whom? c. How does this funding model ensure the governing body’s objectives are met, and how does it ensure that the various fiduciary standards and safeguards are satisfied? d. How is the funding level for a particular programme determined?
Benito Müller & William Pizer, with contributions by Sophie de Coninck, Dan Morrow, Gonzalo Serrano de la Rosa, Anju Sharma & Ced Hesse
March 2014
The Warsaw Framework for REDD+, a comprehensive package of seven technical and finance decisions that provide the fundamental architecture for REDD+ to be implemented, was adopted at the 2013 climate conference. Deforestation in LDCs represents nearly a third of tropical deforestation. REDD+ should therefore be a key component of LDC mitigation actions.
Charlie Parker, Matthew Cranford and Ugan Manandhar
March 2014
An explicit treatment of agriculture in the post -2020 climate agreement will put agriculture at the centre of global policy discussions, and address the objective of protecting food production enshrined in Article 2 of the UNFCCC. Adaptation is a more important priority among LDCs than mitigation in the agricultural sector. However, positive synergies exist between agricultural mitigation and the core needs of LDCs, including food security, adaptation and development. LDCs will need support to...
Timm Tennigkeit, Andreas Wilkes, Charlie Parker and Fred Kossam
March 2014
Key issues for LDCs related to the MRV of mitigation actions include the development of simplified methodologies for LDCs under the Framework of Various Approaches to ensure that LDCs can benefit, and simplified greenhouse gas inventories with the provision of adequate resources to help LDCs to keep their emissions under control as they develop.
Sina Wartmann, Chris Dodwell and Seyni Nafo
March 2014
