Operationalizing the Kyoto Protocol Adaptation Fund
Publication Date:
October, 2007
Summary text:
Five of the 2007 Oxford Fellows, namely Enele Sopoaga (Tuvalu), Lydia Greyling (South Africa), David Lesolle (Botswana), Emily Massawa (Kenya), JosÈ Miguez (Brazil), have written an IIED/ecbi opinion piece on how the Adaptation Fund should be operated which will be one of the key questions to be sorted out in Bali, and which expands on the piece written by the 2006 Fellows: Operationalising the Kyoto Protocol's Adaptation Fund - a new proposal.
Short Summary:
Five of the 2007 Oxford Fellows have written an IIED/ecbi opinion piece on how the Adaptation Fund should be operated
Oxford Fellowships 2007