European Capacity Building Initiative

Finance Circle Meeting, Nov 2013

Publication Date: 
November, 2013
Benito Müller
Summary text: 

This is a meeting report for the Finance Circle meeting held in Warsaw, Poland on November 13 2013. Twenty-six participants were in attendance from Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Botswana, the DRC, the EU, France, the Gambia, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Uganda, the UK, and the US − including two co-chairs of the LTF and the SCF. The meeting was moderated by Benito Müller, and covered two topics suggested by the co-chairs: a) How to continue the work on LTF, possibly in the context of the SCF and/or other committees; and b) GCF Mobilization of resources - securing political commitments to ensure GCF replenishment.

Short Summary: 