On 1 June, Leslie Hook, Environment and Clean Energy Correspondent of the Financial Times published an article ("Climate summit jamborees could use a good clean-up") based on the ecbi Quo Vadis COP? Report, in which she concluded that "Even a smaller COP would still be important, not least because the format allows every country, no matter how small, to be heard on an equal footing. But just as Covid-19 has forced a reckoning for many aspects of modern life, it is time for that same re-evaluation to take place for the COP. As long as the rest of the world can keep up the beating drum of climate action, perhaps the beating drums don’t need to be inside the negotiation venue itself."
On 14 June, ecbi Director Benito Müller was part of the panel at the final webinar of The European Political Economy Project of the European Studies Centre (St. Anthony's College, Oxford). The other speaker on the panel was Amb. Selwin Hart (Assistant Secretary General for Climate Action, United Nations), with Adrienne Cheasty (Academic Visitor at EuPEP; Former IMF) as discussant.
Müller gave a presentation (available below) on the Quo Vadis COP? Report, with a response by Amb. Hart.