With over 80,000 participants in the UN “Blue Zone” (and many more in the adjacent host-country “Green Zone”), the recent UN climate change conference (COP28) in Dubai was the largest multilateral climate event ever held. The authors of this 10 February blog post, Good COP? Bad COP? Time to reform COP!), were impressed by the enthusiasm, and the global and diverse involvement of so many stakeholders; yet, in light of their 2021 ecbi Policy Report (Quo Vadis COP?), they felt this would be a good time to take a step back and re-examine how best to maximise the benefits from this enthusiasm without creating detrimental side effects. Thus, the decision was made to revisit and update the 2021 Policy Report, and to write this post to set the scene for possibilities going forward. The post was written by Luis Gomez-Echeverri and Benito Müller with contributions by Jen Allan, Matthias Rösti and Stefan Ruchti.