Following up on the discussion on the The Future of the Adaptation Funding and the Adaptation Fund co-organised with the Heinrich Boell Foundation during COP 20 in Lima, the ecbi with the support of the Adaptation Fund (AF) Secretariat organised an informal meeting for the AF Board members co-hosted with Hans-Olav Ibrekk, incoming Chair of the AF Board, on 9 April, during the 25th meeting of the AF Board in Bonn Germany, attended by 18 AF Board members/alternates and 5 representatives of the AF Secretariat, the GCF Secretariat, civil society and ecbi.
After a welcome by the incoming AF Board Chair, Benito Müller (ecbi director) gave a short presentation "The Adaptation Fund in the new climate finance regime: Its role in relationship with the GCF" followed by a presentation by Dima Shocair Reda of the AF Secretariat on "Potential Linkages: Adaptation Fund & Green Climate Fund." (see handouts below) The discussion that followed was very open and constructive and broadly in favour of a two-pronged approach, namely to pursue both accreditation as a multilateral funding entitiy of the GCF and the establishment of an MOU between the two funds that would define how they could ensure complementarity of their operations.