In December last year, following the Technical Climate Dialogue on Common Time Frames (CTF) convened by the Chair of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI), an OCP blog announced: ‘Ambition Cycle on course to land in Glasgow’ and at least part of it landed in the UNFCCC COP26 Glasgow decision on CTF. Prof Müller has been part of a group of stakeholders that has been working tirelessly and doggedly over the past seven years to bring about this outcome, and in this blog post he stresses that, while it does not go all the way, the Glasgow CTF decision is a significant step towards a fully functioning and ambition facilitating rule book for the Paris Agreement.
Read the full blog post here:
And with sincere thanks to Cécile Girardin who painted the grand mural at COP26 for her depiction of Prof Müller pressing for CTF.
More on this issue can be found in this news item on the University of Oxford website.