On 13 October 2017, the Board of the Adaptation Fund today took the historic decision to "to initiate a process toward accreditation with the GCF".
The ecbi has supported the Adaptation Fund from the very outset. Discussion evenings with Adaptation Fund Board members were hosted during the first five Board meetings; starting in March 2008 with a presentation by the World Bank on their idea of an 'Adaptation Pilot Fund' (see relevant news items). In March 2010, another discussion meeting was hosted in the context of the accreditation of the first National Implementing Entity.
After the collapse of the CER price in 2011-13, the ecbi and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America organised a brainstorming dialogue during COP20 in Lima (December 2014) on the future of the Adaptation Fund in a global post-2020 climate framework (Lima Report).
Following on from the discussion, the ecbi organised an informal meeting for Adaptation Fund Board members on 9 April 2015, co-hosted by Hans-Olav Ibrekk, Chair of the Adaptation Fund Board, during the 25th Adaptation Fund Board meeting. At that meeting, the Adaptation Fund Board requested its Chair and Vice-Chair "to initiate consultations with the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) and start a dialogue with the GCF Board, on potential linkages between the two funds and request the issue of complementarity between the two funds to be considered by the GCF Board at the earliest".
To facilitate this dialogue, the ecbi organised a Seminar – co-hosted by Seyni Nafo and Outi Honkatukia, Co-chairs of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF), and Ibrekk – on the eve of the 10th SCF meeting (June 2015) to discuss these linkages and relations (OCP/ecbi Submission).
An ecbi Finance Circle meeting took place on 8 November 2016, during COP 22 in Marrakech to discuss the role of the Adaptation Fund in the Financial Architecture of the Paris Agreement.
On the evening of 14 March 2017, the ecbi convened a seminar on resource mobilisation for the Adaptation Fund at La Redoute in Bad Godesberg, Germany. The seminar was co-hosted by Michael Kracht, incoming Chair of the Adaptation Fund Board, and Benito Müller, ecbi director, who made a presentation entitled "Time to Decide" urging the Adaptation Fund Board to seek accreditation to the GCF (Time to Decide).