European Capacity Building Initiative

Meeting Reports

On 26th of November, ecbi held its first Pre-COP workshop for South and South East Asian Negotiators in Cancun, Mexico, which was attended by 20 delegates representing Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Cambodia. The presentations were on the issues of adaptation, finance, loss and damage, and capacity building and particularly focused on possible outcomes at COP 16.

Hohit Gebreeg, Achala Chandani
Publication Date:
May, 2011

Finance Circle Meeting, June 2010

Benito Müller
Publication Date:
April, 2011

ECBI Bonn Seminar 2006

ECBI Bonn Seminar 2006

Publication Date:
May, 2006

On the first day of the 2015 Oxford Seminar, in Trinity College, participants addressed legal issues and process; adaptation, and loss and damage; and mitigation and transparency of action. On the second day, in the Examination Schools, they discussed climate finance; time frames and cycles; and the process/ way forward to the 21st Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris, from 30 November to 11 December 2015.

Anju Sharma
Publication Date:
October, 2015

During the 2013 Fellowship Colloquium, 17 senior negotiators from developing countries discussed key areas of concern in under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). They were joined by 13 senior negotiators from Europe during the Oxford Seminar, and discussed contentious issues such as the legal form of a future outcome, equity, mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer, finance, and the governance and accountability of operating entities (including the Green Climate Fund, or GCF).

Anju Sharma
Publication Date:
September, 2013

At the 2011 Seminar, participants discussed the possibility of a mutually agreeable ‘sequence’ of action, in order to overcome lack of trust on both sides. An ‘Annex C’ to the Kyoto Protocol was proposed as a way of rescuing the multilateral system from disintegrating into a ‘pledge and review’ system. Discussions were also held on the legal form of a climate agreement; the sources and institutional architecture for climate finance; and monitoring of climate commitments by both developed and developing countries. 

Publication Date:
October, 2011

As a direct outcome of the Fellowship and Seminar this year, a proposal put together by the Fellows for the governance of climate change finance formed the basis of a presentation by one of the Fellows at the High Level Geneva Dialogue on Climate Finance. 

Publication Date:
October, 2010

The 2006 ECBI Oxford Fellowships brought together 11 Fellows, Senior Fellows, and Supernumerary Fellows from Bhutan, Brazil, China, India, Maldives, Mexico, Niger, South Africa, The Gambia, and Zambia, and negotiators from France, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, the UK, the Finnish EU Presidency and the European Commission between 24 August and 1 September to engage in a number of trust-building activities. 

Publication Date:
November, 2017

ECBI 2005 Oxford Fellowships

ECBI 2005 Oxford Fellowships

Publication Date:
September, 2005
