On 4 and 5 December, ecbi Director Benito Müller attended a Workshop on Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) for Locally Led Adaptation (LLA) organised by Anju Sharma of the Global Center on Adaptation together with the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund in Nairobi Kenya. The meeting provided an opportunity to: hear the experiences of entities who have implemented EDA projects; provide inputs on ways in which the modality can be further streamlined; and generate ideas for future EDA proposals. Professor Müller gave a presentation (see below) on the evolution of EDA, as published in ecbi's brief history of EDA (2009-2021). He also took the opportunity to meet with H.E. Ali Mohamed Doud (photo left, next to Ms Fatuma Hussein), the climate envoy of the Kenyan President, to discuss not only their work with the Global Solidarity Levies Taskforce but also a concrete roadmap to a Climate Solidarity Alliance (CSA).